Concern Over Fake Military Ballots Generates Lawsuit in Wisconsin – IOTW Report

Concern Over Fake Military Ballots Generates Lawsuit in Wisconsin

Just the Law

Veterans and voters represented by the Thomas More Society, a conservative non-profit public interest law firm, filed a lawsuit against the Wisconsin Election Commission for allegedly mishandling military absentee ballots. More

4 Comments on Concern Over Fake Military Ballots Generates Lawsuit in Wisconsin

  1. Disenfranchising military personnels vote to sway an election to your desired outcome should demand the death penalty. I don’t care if they vote Libtard, I’d still feel the same.

  2. I retired from the military. The worst instance of ballot bullsh*t I endured was when I applied for an absentee ballot for the 1996. I was overseas at the time. I applied 90 days ahead of the election. The absentee ballot from sent from Monterey County, California, and the postmark was for the day AFTER the election! Can you believe that crap?

  3. @ Brad NOVEMBER 7, 2022 AT 4:17 PM

    Beat me to it. Actually anyone participating, encouraging or having knowledge of election fraud they don’t immediately report should be put to death.

  4. The fraud makers have not learned anything other than how to get away with it. No pain, no jail time, no big fines, no enforcement of laws. Going down the same old road again.


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