Confederate Themed Bar Supposedly Served a Drink Called the N****ita – IOTW Report

Confederate Themed Bar Supposedly Served a Drink Called the N****ita

Gawker reports that there’s a racist bar in Athens, Georgia, but the bar (General Beauregard’s) denies it, and the story Gawker is telling doesn’t make sense. But that’s not the BEST PART. Read until the end.

Here is an image of available drinks at the bar, sent in by a reader.

When the story began to fall apart for the tipster, that this was on a menu, he changed his story to say it was on a cheat sheet for employees. But if it isn’t on a menu, how would the public know to order it, and if it’s not ordered, why do employees need to know how to make it?

The tipster then posted something from the bar’s Facebook page to prove that the bar is racist, a picture of someone appearing to be proud of selling drugs, or having drugs and money.


From Gawker

“We also received this image allegedly taken from the bar’s Facebook page, though now removed, which the tipster concedes is not “directly related” but illustrates the bar’s “culture.”

This illustrates the bar’s culture? Are we collectively, as a people, condoning the culture depicted in this photo?

EVERYBODY should be decrying the culture in this photo. Are you kidding me? The world is backwards, isn’t it? Thanks progressives!!!


24 Comments on Confederate Themed Bar Supposedly Served a Drink Called the N****ita

  1. Never heard it called that in Germany when I served there. But it, too, (and a variation, below) was a very popular drink. Especially when you consider that the beer was an excellent German beer, and a German Coke (made with sugar, not corn syrup). Ummmm. . .And throw in a shot of excellent German schnapps. . . . uuummmmmm. . . .

  2. Bless their little hearts when the LIB PROG PUKES can’t find what they want to see they simply make it up. Actually I believe this LPP fraud’s sainted female parental unit seasoned his grits with powdered lead.

  3. That’s nothing. I heard of a pair of twin girls whose names were pronounced “Shi-THAY-ed” and “A-SHO-lay.”

    Unfortunately, the names are spelled SHITHEAD and ASSHOLE.

    Their mother should be jailed for child abuse.

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