It’s funny that he posts this so recently. After everything he’s gone through the last year or so, I’d have thought he’d have rethought his position on a lot of stuff. Apparently not,
He is now relegated to the septic tank along with Rob Reiner and all the other Riden with Biden trash.
I have been on the phone this morning with my investment guy (also a friend for many years) and everyone seems to be hurting from the policies of this administration. Gotta work on the R’s standing up for Trump so we can fix this mess. I doubt we’ll get much help from the swamp Rino’s so it’s time to toss them too.
3. Trump loves homosexuals
4. Trump holds parties for homosexuals
5. Faggots – Only group of people he told that he was working hard for.
Difference between Hitler and Trump on gays, Hitler tried to eradicate them from Germany, and Trump praises them. Yep, it’s a hard one to contemplate if you’re a Trump lover.
He’s not going to be able to go for silly walks anymore with that humongous gut.
Terry Gilliam is another piece of shit from that group. Renounced his U S citizenship and should be drawn and quartered if he ever returns.
All of tne “nice” things about Hitler are irrelevant. The only “nice” thing listed about trump is supremely relevant. I think cleese owned himself.
I meant “moot”.
Benito, you mean Flay Otters, Farty Towels etc. He was perfectly cast as Basil Fawlty in Fawlty Towers and I loved the way he always picked on poor, inept, bumbling Manuel. The best episode was the one that he picked and got into a verbal fight with the snotty guest about Hitler.
“and Trump praises them.”
I don’t believe he praises them, it’s more like an acceptance.
I have many gay/lesbian customers.
It not my choice, but also it’s not my job to judge.
Also, it has nothing to do with LGBTQ, it’s all about the +. If you are willing to accept all of the LGBTQ agenda, then it’s just a small step to “Minor attracted person”.
Failure to protect the innocent, is Satans work.
I couldn’t have told you to save my life who John Cleese was until I looked him up because of this post.
Why do we keep giving “celebrities” more attention than they already have as if their opinions on ANYTHING somehow carry weight because they have a loud platform that was supposed to be for something else.
One good recent thing about Cleese is that he is 100% pro Free Speech. Like Ricky Gervais he puts himself out there as an advocate. I think also that he gets the 2 genders thing, again standing up with JK Rowling and others against militant opposition. But he has always been a leftist. Like Bill Maher, I appreciate the good things he does while ridiculing his inane politics.
And Monty Python will always be funny. Well, often funny, anyway.
Weren’t the fascist trying to stomp down comedy topics and Cleese took a stand against them. You would think he would stray away from comparisons to Hitler since the fascists want to shut him up as well.
@Goldenfoxx – “Yep, it’s a hard one to contemplate if you’re a Trump lover.”
Are you saying that Hitler was right to murder “faggots”?
I’m not sure I understand what you’ve written.
In any case, Jesus Christ commands us to love one another. It’s hard to love our enemies, and to be honest, I know for a fact that not all homosexuals are our enemies. We are all, including yourself, hopeless sinners. Some people’s main expression of chronic sin is lying; some are gossips and slanderers; some are sexually sinful; some try to hide behind a false piety and moral superiority. The danger is in comparing our own sins (which we tend to justify if they fall short of murder) with others’ and conclude that we’re a good person. All of us need Christ as our savior from the wages of our sin.
Jesus said to take the log out of our own eye before we attempt to take the speck out of our brother’s eye.
Yep, it’s hard to contemplate if you’re a Jesus lover.
I pray for God’s blessing on you. Merry Christmas!
All of these people who Trump is terrible would probably be hard pressed to give examples except for of the lies that have been said about him. Ann Coulter has a terminal case of TDS.
Why does everybody here still love Trump hater Goldenfoxx?
Aside from Benny Hill, I always thought the hype around British humor in general was way overblown!
Cleese made a career out of running down his country, but, when the Moslems starting taking over, he made a big thing out of how england wasn’t England anymore.
3. He made his country better.
4. He didn’t destroy his country.
5. He didn’t lie to people.
PS Never thought the Pythons generally weren’t anything to write home about.
PPS Coulter has a thing about anybody who isn’t Ivy League even though she probably hates what it’s become.
Just another Hollywood idiot, no matter where he’s from.
It’s called a joke….
“3. Trump loves homosexuals
4. Trump holds parties for homosexuals”
I wake up in the morning worried about various things. Like the number of terrorists that have crossed our border and are now blending in waiting for their chance to kill Americans.
I guess some people wake up in the morning with pure hatred in their hearts for DJT because he’s after a certain voter block. Just like every other person running for that office. That’s how they win. Priorities!
Don’t confuse humor with comedy and it will go a long way to “getting” British humor vs Americal comedy.
It’s just Basil Fawlty shaking his fist at God and yelling “thank you God thank you so bloody much!!” TDS will do that to you. At this point he’s ready to star in A Fish Called Moby Dick with that lager gut. He’s having a difficult time separating himself from his Basil persona at this point. He portrayed Hilter in a MP skit and goose stepped in the FT Germans episode. He’s always been nuts, and TDS might’ve pushed him over the edge. Fawlty Towers is arguably the best show in the history of television, but Basil seems to be coming to a sad, tragic, flaming end – kind of like Michael Richards/Kramer went out in one final blazing act of incompetence.
He is just another asshole.
I thought we fought the war for Independence so we didn’t have to suffer any more British fools…
He’s a lot better actor than comedian, as long as he has nothing to do with writing the script.
I am the Knight who saaaaays- fuckleese!
Cmn¢¢guy Wednesday, 27 December 2023, 10:49 at 10:49 am
“and Trump praises them.”
I don’t believe he praises them, it’s more like an acceptance.
I have many gay/lesbian customers.
It not my choice, but also it’s not my job to judge.
Also, it has nothing to do with LGBTQ, it’s all about the +. If you are willing to accept all of the LGBTQ agenda, then it’s just a small step to “Minor attracted person”.
Failure to protect the innocent, is Satans work.
“We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala.
Sounds like he’s praising them to me! Fighting and working hard for them? Special people?
“With the help of many of the people here tonight in recent years, our movement has taken incredible strides, the strides you’ve made here is incredible.”
Sounds like praise to me!
I don’t wake up in the morning like some do Brad worrying about Trump and his character. I already know where the man is coming from and I am ashamed for him. Ever wonder why Trump is having so many personal and legal problems? It’s his own doing. You vote for him and you vote for blasphemy and an abomination.
@Brad: “I guess some people wake up in the morning with pure hatred in their hearts for DJT because he’s after a certain voter block.”
Let’s get it straight Brad, I don’t hate anyone, I have disdain for what they stand for and what they represent. See the difference? I look in the mirror knowing my conscience is clear about the man.
You can say the same about Biden, because he’s after a certain voter block. Just like every other person running for that office. That’s how they win. Priorities! Do you hate Biden Brad? I’m ashamed that he’s President – same shame I have for Trump. My only shame is that I voted for him.
You bet you xss, priorities.
Here’s an option, warped. Some people just can’t except other’s view on life. You have a prime example above. It’s my way or the highway. Your way? Like hell no bozo. These same people try to force their life’s decisions that either you agree with or your…. No you need help, mental help.
“Why does everybody here still love Trump hater….”
This is exactly why Trump will NOT get re-elected. The far-right base is somewhere around 33% of American voters who demand they shove Trump down the throat of the rest. Didn’t work in 2020 won’t work again in 2024.
” Some people just can’t except other’s view on life. You have a prime example above.”
And sometimes in life you actually find yourself in that position. I can successfully argue the point that if Trump, or a Trump surrogate, doesn’t get in office this time around you will never have another Republican President. You may not ever have another election again.
Not nearly as funny as the Parrot Sketch, or the Ministry of Funny Walks, or “A Fish Called Wanda.”
Stick to comedy and leave American politics to the Americans, ya limey poof.
Graham Chapman was the limey poof and he died from AIDS because of it.
Some people can act funny, and some people can be funny and can’t act, some people are funny and can act.
I put Cleese in the “can act funny” category, but there is something very unfunny about him. He’s like Terry Thomas, to me.
It seems to me guys like Cleese, and his American counter parts, are funny when they first start out because they spend most of their energy poking fun at the establishment. And then they become part of it. And then they’re no longer funny.
“3. Trump loves homosexuals
4. Trump holds parties for homosexuals
5. Faggots – Only group of people he told that he was working hard for.”
I don’t care. When gas and food is affordable, we have a secure border, stops the Liberal agenda of making our country a communist state, Trump can say anything he wants about gays.
You want a PERFECT candidate? Name one?
^^^^^^ And Rich Grenell did one hell of a job. Much better than the guy that replaced him. What you do in your bedroom is your own biz. However, when you start trying to ram your agenda up our wazoos, it’s an issue, and I get Goldenfox’s point. I just think it’s minor compared to what we are faced with. Which ain’t good.
personally, I liked Cleese in Monty Python …. ‘Dead Parrot’ sketch was hilariously over-the-top.
loved his ‘Basil’ in FT’s. Cleese created the show; without him there’s no show. (& he & his wife, Connie Booth [who played ‘Polly’, the maid] wrote most of all the episodes)
He did well in ‘A Fish Called Wanda’, though Kevin Cline’s ‘Otto’ stole the show.
…. & YES, Terry Thomas was NEVER funny …. not even in ‘Mad, Mad World’
btw, Peter Sellers is the funniest brit comedian EVER
John Cleese is just another liberal idiot who doesn’t think for himself.
He toes the line so he can keep his bank account healthier.
Yes, especially after reading some of his replies to this X post.
Hey, he’s a Brit. Brit humor is an acquired taste. (Except for Benny Hill who requires a lack of taste.)
Is he a US citizen? If not, his opinion is mute and he should go back to England and enjoy living with the muzzies.
Remember when entertainers entertained and they kept their politics to themselves?
It’s funny that he posts this so recently. After everything he’s gone through the last year or so, I’d have thought he’d have rethought his position on a lot of stuff. Apparently not,
He is now relegated to the septic tank along with Rob Reiner and all the other Riden with Biden trash.
I have been on the phone this morning with my investment guy (also a friend for many years) and everyone seems to be hurting from the policies of this administration. Gotta work on the R’s standing up for Trump so we can fix this mess. I doubt we’ll get much help from the swamp Rino’s so it’s time to toss them too.
3. Trump loves homosexuals
4. Trump holds parties for homosexuals
5. Faggots – Only group of people he told that he was working hard for.
Difference between Hitler and Trump on gays, Hitler tried to eradicate them from Germany, and Trump praises them. Yep, it’s a hard one to contemplate if you’re a Trump lover.
He’s not going to be able to go for silly walks anymore with that humongous gut.
Terry Gilliam is another piece of shit from that group. Renounced his U S citizenship and should be drawn and quartered if he ever returns.
All of tne “nice” things about Hitler are irrelevant. The only “nice” thing listed about trump is supremely relevant. I think cleese owned himself.
I meant “moot”.
Benito, you mean Flay Otters, Farty Towels etc. He was perfectly cast as Basil Fawlty in Fawlty Towers and I loved the way he always picked on poor, inept, bumbling Manuel. The best episode was the one that he picked and got into a verbal fight with the snotty guest about Hitler.
“and Trump praises them.”
I don’t believe he praises them, it’s more like an acceptance.
I have many gay/lesbian customers.
It not my choice, but also it’s not my job to judge.
Also, it has nothing to do with LGBTQ, it’s all about the +. If you are willing to accept all of the LGBTQ agenda, then it’s just a small step to “Minor attracted person”.
Failure to protect the innocent, is Satans work.
I couldn’t have told you to save my life who John Cleese was until I looked him up because of this post.
Why do we keep giving “celebrities” more attention than they already have as if their opinions on ANYTHING somehow carry weight because they have a loud platform that was supposed to be for something else.
One good recent thing about Cleese is that he is 100% pro Free Speech. Like Ricky Gervais he puts himself out there as an advocate. I think also that he gets the 2 genders thing, again standing up with JK Rowling and others against militant opposition. But he has always been a leftist. Like Bill Maher, I appreciate the good things he does while ridiculing his inane politics.
And Monty Python will always be funny. Well, often funny, anyway.
Weren’t the fascist trying to stomp down comedy topics and Cleese took a stand against them. You would think he would stray away from comparisons to Hitler since the fascists want to shut him up as well.
@Goldenfoxx – “Yep, it’s a hard one to contemplate if you’re a Trump lover.”
Are you saying that Hitler was right to murder “faggots”?
I’m not sure I understand what you’ve written.
In any case, Jesus Christ commands us to love one another. It’s hard to love our enemies, and to be honest, I know for a fact that not all homosexuals are our enemies. We are all, including yourself, hopeless sinners. Some people’s main expression of chronic sin is lying; some are gossips and slanderers; some are sexually sinful; some try to hide behind a false piety and moral superiority. The danger is in comparing our own sins (which we tend to justify if they fall short of murder) with others’ and conclude that we’re a good person. All of us need Christ as our savior from the wages of our sin.
Jesus said to take the log out of our own eye before we attempt to take the speck out of our brother’s eye.
Yep, it’s hard to contemplate if you’re a Jesus lover.
I pray for God’s blessing on you. Merry Christmas!
All of these people who Trump is terrible would probably be hard pressed to give examples except for of the lies that have been said about him. Ann Coulter has a terminal case of TDS.
Why does everybody here still love Trump hater Goldenfoxx?
Aside from Benny Hill, I always thought the hype around British humor in general was way overblown!
Cleese made a career out of running down his country, but, when the Moslems starting taking over, he made a big thing out of how england wasn’t England anymore.
3. He made his country better.
4. He didn’t destroy his country.
5. He didn’t lie to people.
PS Never thought the Pythons generally weren’t anything to write home about.
PPS Coulter has a thing about anybody who isn’t Ivy League even though she probably hates what it’s become.
Just another Hollywood idiot, no matter where he’s from.
It’s called a joke….
“3. Trump loves homosexuals
4. Trump holds parties for homosexuals”
I wake up in the morning worried about various things. Like the number of terrorists that have crossed our border and are now blending in waiting for their chance to kill Americans.
I guess some people wake up in the morning with pure hatred in their hearts for DJT because he’s after a certain voter block. Just like every other person running for that office. That’s how they win. Priorities!
Don’t confuse humor with comedy and it will go a long way to “getting” British humor vs Americal comedy.
It’s just Basil Fawlty shaking his fist at God and yelling “thank you God thank you so bloody much!!” TDS will do that to you. At this point he’s ready to star in A Fish Called Moby Dick with that lager gut. He’s having a difficult time separating himself from his Basil persona at this point. He portrayed Hilter in a MP skit and goose stepped in the FT Germans episode. He’s always been nuts, and TDS might’ve pushed him over the edge. Fawlty Towers is arguably the best show in the history of television, but Basil seems to be coming to a sad, tragic, flaming end – kind of like Michael Richards/Kramer went out in one final blazing act of incompetence.
He is just another asshole.
I thought we fought the war for Independence so we didn’t have to suffer any more British fools…
He’s a lot better actor than comedian, as long as he has nothing to do with writing the script.
I am the Knight who saaaaays- fuckleese!
Cmn¢¢guy Wednesday, 27 December 2023, 10:49 at 10:49 am
“and Trump praises them.”
I don’t believe he praises them, it’s more like an acceptance.
I have many gay/lesbian customers.
It not my choice, but also it’s not my job to judge.
Also, it has nothing to do with LGBTQ, it’s all about the +. If you are willing to accept all of the LGBTQ agenda, then it’s just a small step to “Minor attracted person”.
Failure to protect the innocent, is Satans work.
“We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala.
Sounds like he’s praising them to me! Fighting and working hard for them? Special people?
“With the help of many of the people here tonight in recent years, our movement has taken incredible strides, the strides you’ve made here is incredible.”
Sounds like praise to me!
I don’t wake up in the morning like some do Brad worrying about Trump and his character. I already know where the man is coming from and I am ashamed for him. Ever wonder why Trump is having so many personal and legal problems? It’s his own doing. You vote for him and you vote for blasphemy and an abomination.
@Brad: “I guess some people wake up in the morning with pure hatred in their hearts for DJT because he’s after a certain voter block.”
Let’s get it straight Brad, I don’t hate anyone, I have disdain for what they stand for and what they represent. See the difference? I look in the mirror knowing my conscience is clear about the man.
You can say the same about Biden, because he’s after a certain voter block. Just like every other person running for that office. That’s how they win. Priorities! Do you hate Biden Brad? I’m ashamed that he’s President – same shame I have for Trump. My only shame is that I voted for him.
You bet you xss, priorities.
Here’s an option, warped. Some people just can’t except other’s view on life. You have a prime example above. It’s my way or the highway. Your way? Like hell no bozo. These same people try to force their life’s decisions that either you agree with or your…. No you need help, mental help.
“Why does everybody here still love Trump hater….”
This is exactly why Trump will NOT get re-elected. The far-right base is somewhere around 33% of American voters who demand they shove Trump down the throat of the rest. Didn’t work in 2020 won’t work again in 2024.
” Some people just can’t except other’s view on life. You have a prime example above.”
And sometimes in life you actually find yourself in that position. I can successfully argue the point that if Trump, or a Trump surrogate, doesn’t get in office this time around you will never have another Republican President. You may not ever have another election again.
Not nearly as funny as the Parrot Sketch, or the Ministry of Funny Walks, or “A Fish Called Wanda.”
Stick to comedy and leave American politics to the Americans, ya limey poof.
Graham Chapman was the limey poof and he died from AIDS because of it.
Some people can act funny, and some people can be funny and can’t act, some people are funny and can act.
I put Cleese in the “can act funny” category, but there is something very unfunny about him. He’s like Terry Thomas, to me.
It seems to me guys like Cleese, and his American counter parts, are funny when they first start out because they spend most of their energy poking fun at the establishment. And then they become part of it. And then they’re no longer funny.
“3. Trump loves homosexuals
4. Trump holds parties for homosexuals
5. Faggots – Only group of people he told that he was working hard for.”
I don’t care. When gas and food is affordable, we have a secure border, stops the Liberal agenda of making our country a communist state, Trump can say anything he wants about gays.
You want a PERFECT candidate? Name one?
^^^^^^ And Rich Grenell did one hell of a job. Much better than the guy that replaced him. What you do in your bedroom is your own biz. However, when you start trying to ram your agenda up our wazoos, it’s an issue, and I get Goldenfox’s point. I just think it’s minor compared to what we are faced with. Which ain’t good.
personally, I liked Cleese in Monty Python …. ‘Dead Parrot’ sketch was hilariously over-the-top.
loved his ‘Basil’ in FT’s. Cleese created the show; without him there’s no show. (& he & his wife, Connie Booth [who played ‘Polly’, the maid] wrote most of all the episodes)
He did well in ‘A Fish Called Wanda’, though Kevin Cline’s ‘Otto’ stole the show.
…. & YES, Terry Thomas was NEVER funny …. not even in ‘Mad, Mad World’
btw, Peter Sellers is the funniest brit comedian EVER