Confidence in Trump, and Secure in the Knowledge That Obama is in Rearview Mirror, Christmas Spending Hits Unexpected Heights – IOTW Report

Confidence in Trump, and Secure in the Knowledge That Obama is in Rearview Mirror, Christmas Spending Hits Unexpected Heights

The self-hypnosis of believing everything just had to be great because we were being helmed by a black guy is wearing off with each passing day. As the economy rebounds, piece by piece, the Obama era will be judged to be ridiculously and unnecessarily flaccid by any fair and objective American.

8 years of exploding debt with absolutely no growth in the economy is simply money, and opportunity, that was pissed away by an incompetent jug-eared poser who got a free pass by a fawning press.

Facing unprecedented headwinds by the very same media, Trump is succeeding.

There is no question that Obama was a failure and Trump will be what this country has been waiting for.


Retailers are enjoying some extra Christmas cheer.

Fueled by high consumer confidence and a robust job market, U.S. retail sales in the holiday period rose at their best pace since 2011, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which tracks both online and in-store spending.

Sales, excluding automobiles, rose 4.9% from Nov. 1 through Christmas Eve, compared with a 3.7% gain in the same period last year, according to the Mastercard Inc. MA 0.21% unit, which tracks all forms of payment. E-commerce continued to drive the gains, rising 18.1%.

“It started with a bang in the week leading up to Black Friday,” said Sarah Quinlan, a senior vice president of marketing insights at Mastercard. She added that retailers benefited this year from Christmas Day falling on a Monday, giving shoppers a full weekend to scoop up last-minute purchases. “Overall, this year was a big win for retail,” Ms. Quinlan said.

That newfound buoyancy is a relief to retailers…




16 Comments on Confidence in Trump, and Secure in the Knowledge That Obama is in Rearview Mirror, Christmas Spending Hits Unexpected Heights

  1. In the photo obama is shows he is diminutive physically and mentally. He brought his personal disgrace and racism to the nation.
    A skulking figure of a man, with only the ardent progressive/racist/socialists propping him up to be more than he was or ever will be.

  2. Well, Friday night at my local mall was absolute and complete gridlock in the parking lot! Lots of shoppers and lots of bags coming out–lots of HAPPY people and families going in. Drivers were being extra NICE. The whole experience made me realize that the re-making of American greatness is well underway. Stay confident!

  3. I’ve mentioned here before that my uber liberal wife and I get along because we don’t discuss politics. I send her subtle messages, though, like getting her everything on her Christmas list this year (and more), something that didn’t happen during the O’Bama years. I also matter-of-factly tell her how much less our taxes will be in 2018, due to certain, ummm, “developments.” She seems to be happy about that.

    It is refreshing to have the death shroud removed from American economics!

  4. Barky is definitely in Trumps rear view mirror; Everywhere Trump goes in the world, there’s the little tan turd bobbing in his wake, sniping and whining about Trump. Barky is doomed to trail Trump obsessively, in a pathetic attempt to rebuild his mud hut legacy which Trump has stomped to smithereens. Keep on truckin’, Trump. Don’t mind the little tailgater.

  5. The only amusing thing left to see is how the Bushes, w in particular, will try to explain or deny, their support of Barky and Mooch instead of Mr Trump.
    Stupidity? Jealousy?
    They were at the helm at one time, you’d think they had a clue what it takes, or what needed to be done at this point…… but NO !!

  6. Like everyone else we try to maintain a clean house but I’m dying to know how the people responsible managed to get that stench of the past occupants out of the White House. That must have put a dent in the operational budget.

  7. Call me jaded, but he will be seen in the same artificially brilliant light FDR has basked in for over 80 years. He will be seen as the shepherd who led the nation through darkness, with no thought given to the fact that he was the one who killed the lights.

  8. The BHO years will be known as “The Lost Years”. That is what the Russians call the Brezhnev era of the USSR. Think of all the wealth that was destroyed, or not created.

    BHO made Carter’s ‘Malaise era” look like the good old days.

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