Confirmed – Immigration Is To Ensure Progressives Win Elections and Seize Control of All Political Power – IOTW Report

Confirmed – Immigration Is To Ensure Progressives Win Elections and Seize Control of All Political Power

Soros has dumped money into challenging Voter ID legislation, enrolling minorities and signing up immigrants to vote – stressing swing states.


A top priority of liberal billionaire George Soros is to enlarge the U.S. electorate by 10 million voters by 2018, according to leaked documents.

The plan to grow the electorate by millions of voters was discussed during a May 2014 board meeting of the Open Society Foundations, a liberal grant-making group founded by Soros. A 220-page guide detailing the plan was among more than 2,500 hacked Soros documents released by DC Leaks, which publishes documents from influential officials around the world.



16 Comments on Confirmed – Immigration Is To Ensure Progressives Win Elections and Seize Control of All Political Power

  1. Any comment I make about soros will put me in legal jeopardy. But I can still fantasize about the blood pulsing from his head onto the sidewalk. I can also vow to contribute generously to someone’s legal defense fund.

  2. Voter ID is the most important issue, we should push voter ID 24/7/365.
    Never stop till we have it in all states. This is more important than gun issues.
    When we have voter ID we will win all races everywhere.

  3. You want to bet that with each revelation about his actions comes to light the money he spends on his personal security goes up? He must be spending a fortune. We need to find a bribable Mullah and have him issue a fatwa on his Nazi collaborating ass. Then sit down, pop the corn and watch a game of global PAC-MAN that’s being played for keeps. Wokka Wokka Wokka……

  4. It’s like the Mossad doesn’t even exist. WTF is sooooo impossible in taking out this scumbag? He travels. He moves around. Is he located in some underground volcano Bond-villain lair somewhere? Off this POS FFS!

  5. Some scrotum trivia: When Soros was a teenager, his nose used to get hard when he smelled money. Now he has to snort Viagra through a $1,000 dollar bill to get it to do that.
    His eyes are testicles, btw. Blind as a bat.

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