Confirmed: Joe Biden’s Presidency Continues to Be a Dumpster Fire – IOTW Report

Confirmed: Joe Biden’s Presidency Continues to Be a Dumpster Fire


During the first week of March, RedState reported on a claim by CNN that Joe Biden was on the comeback trail following his disastrously irrelevant State of the Union address. In an article penned by Chris Cillizza, a poll from NPR was cited showing the president rising to 47 percent approval. Even at the time, that was an outlier, but it was enough to create a broader media narrative that Biden had a chance to reverse his fortunes, even if only somewhat.

We heard similar suggestions of a comeback following Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine, with the idea that Biden would present himself as a world leader and garner a “rally around the flag” bump. That never really materialized.

Now, we finally have a poll that measured Biden’s numbers just before Ukraine was invaded as well as nearly a month later, covering a highly relevant time period that confirms the president’s woes have not subsided. Monmouth’s latest survey has the president’s approval unchanged at 39 percent from their pre-Ukraine invasion survey, i.e. the last month’s events provided him zero bounce. more

13 Comments on Confirmed: Joe Biden’s Presidency Continues to Be a Dumpster Fire

  1. A hearty thanks to all the “Bush “Republicans”” at DOMINION; and their 25,000,000 fabricated “Biden votes”! Had it not been for you this dumpster fire would never have happened!

  2. ^^^^ hey kimolo it doesn’t matter how much you make. The Biden Admin is still a dumpster fire and is stealing from you and everyone else working for a living.

  3. The only bump I’m interested in for the Pedo is the final one he takes on his empty head when he falls off AF1 again. Hopefully on the way over to undo Cackling Commielas damage to both our reputation and national security.

    That outta fix it, but they are gonna need to send his body double because Chief Shits Himself thinks Ukraine is part of NATO also

    We are in the the very best of hands…

    It’s like having twin meteors of mendacity and mediocrity bouncing around while America sits in a jail cell and takes all the hits.

    FJB, FKH, and F everyone who voted for these imbeciles.


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