Congress Considers Revoking Medals of Honor Handed Out After Wounded Knee – IOTW Report

Congress Considers Revoking Medals of Honor Handed Out After Wounded Knee

Army Times

Lawmakers took a step last week towards taking back the nation’s highest award for valor from Army troops who perpetrated one of the most infamous Native American massacres in U.S. history.

The legislation to revoke the medals passed the House of Representatives as an amendment to the fiscal 2023 defense policy bill. Similar attempts have made it this far before, however, only to be stymied during compromises between the House and Senate versions of the bill. More

20 Comments on Congress Considers Revoking Medals of Honor Handed Out After Wounded Knee

  1. The troops were following orders that emanated from…. Washington DC. Here’s the dirty little secret, most of the animosity came by way of lying, thriving piece of shit politicians acting on behalf of their big donors. Not the settlers.

  2. Hyperbole aside, the country is literally going to hell in a handbasket and our elected representatives can’t be bothered with the most pressing issues of the day, no, they spend their time on woke bullshit legislation like this. Contemptible idiots, the whole lot.

    Why not investigate the family tree of all the participants, and try all the descendants for murder. Hasn’t this been one of the left’s prevailing themes, that present citizens can be held responsible for past sins, the sins of those that preceded them?

  3. how does this “right a historical wrong.”? … by denigrating the troopers that followed orders by their ‘superiors’?

    Wounded Knee was a tragedy but trying to absolve the guilt of the US Government (Congress & the President) is a total ‘whitewash’ (pardon the unintended pun).

    & I find it hilarious the Lyawatha Warren is a co-sponsor … the woman has no shame … it’s inbred in communist D’rats

  4. I doubt if the Indian population exceeded 20 million, even counting South America. They had billions of acres of land to roam around in. What right did they have to claim ownership and keep others out?

    BTW, before Fdork Fjerk jumps in, this argument is not the same as controlling our borders.

  5. While there at it, would this be a good time to review the Presidential Medals of Freedom issued by Clinton, Obama, and Biden? How bout having the Nobel Peace Prize folks take a looky at the awards they’ve given out?

  6. TSquared:
    The Lakota have been pushing this for years. One of them tried to open a place in the local mall to honor ALL recipients of the medal of honor and the local “activists” (read – racists) created such a stink it was shelved. They cannot accept the fact that 1.They lost and 2.They committed all kinds of crimes themselves. They are grifters playing on the guilt of liberals and history-deficient people to get more. Never satisfied and never will be.They see taking back the medals as sticking it to the whites.

  7. How about start with retroactively erasing all illegitimate votes and any and all laws signed by the Democrats whose official capacity to enact them was illegitimate.


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