Congress Mulls Illegal Immigrant Tax to Fund Border Wall – IOTW Report

Congress Mulls Illegal Immigrant Tax to Fund Border Wall

Breitbart TX: A bill to tax illegal immigrants to fund the construction of President Donald Trump’s border wall was introduced by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL).

The legislation known as the “Border Wall Funding Act of 2017” would impose a 2 percent tax on all remittances going back to Mexico from illegal and some legal immigrants living in the U.S. to pay for the estimated $12 billion border wall.

“President Trump has made it very clear that he intends to complete a wall along our Southern border,” Rogers said in a news release. “As a senior member of the Homeland Security committee, I have long supported the border wall, which will protect Americans.”

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13 Comments on Congress Mulls Illegal Immigrant Tax to Fund Border Wall

  1. Based on the numbers provided the US would receive $488,000,000 per year. Given the fact that illegal aliens are illegal and are provided government resources while they are here, this wouldn’t even reflect a break-even point. Bump the tax up to 5% and back track the transaction to the sender and deport them.

    The savings by not providing social services to illegals would cover the cost of the wall without creating a bureaucracy to administer the tax which most illegals would avoid paying anyway…..remember they are illegal.

  2. If the democrats were in charge and wanted the wall, it would be tacked on to some other bill in the 11th hour before a national holiday, paid for by moar debt. The funding talk is nonsense.

  3. Start a go fund me. I can easily afford $100 a month. I would be happy to pay for the wall.
    It would be an honor. Maybe people could buy a one foot section and have there name on it. Or if your well off…..The BFH quarter mile for instance.
    Let’s not loose this opportunity because of money.
    Of course if we get another Obama the fence will be useless.

  4. $1.00 added per barrel of oil imported from Mexico.
    – .45-70

    Pretty sure you just got it exactly backwards. American consumers would be paying for the wall then.

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