Congress Scares Itself Into Shutdown Today – IOTW Report

Congress Scares Itself Into Shutdown Today

Red State

Today will be the third time a militant mob will storm the US Capitol since January 6.

The U.S. Capitol Police said Wednesday that they have information regarding a possible plot by a militant group to breach the Capitol on Thursday, a date that some followers of the QAnon extremist ideology falsely claim will mark former president Donald Trump’s return to the White House.

The department declined to name the group or provide additional details, citing the “sensitive nature” of the information. In a statement, the department said it is “prepared for any potential threats.”


36 Comments on Congress Scares Itself Into Shutdown Today

  1. “We have already made significant security upgrades to include establishing a physical structure and increasing manpower to ensure the protection of Congress”

    Sounds like somebody is trying to justify this Third World Communist approach to walling in the Capital! Next step: Concrete walls!

  2. …wow. these right-wing militias are SO good, they can coalace an army larger and more powerful than the National Guard and the Capitol and DC Police COMBINED any time they want, without moving them close, marching them in, or doing ANYTHING you couldn’t see from 100 miles away behind the fence, or stop it if you DID.

    …and THAT is with Social Media 100% monitored, FBI spies on every person to the right of Lenin, the media watching everything any White person does with a microscope, AND that the Trump base actually has to WORK for a living.

    …pretty impressive of those right wingers, nicht wahr?

    …or maybe they’re all on the Enterprise, in space, ready to beam into the chambers at a moments notice.

    …because I can’t imagine any OTHER way they could be such an immediate threat with all of Fort Pelosi ringing them ’round, unless they are worried that the food poisoning from the Nancymeals thinned the ranks too much…/s

    …it’s a lie. Everything is a lie. The covid, the insurrection, Biden being elected…ALL LIES.

    …and now they have to tell ever-larger lies to protect the originals.

    …maybe that’s where a Stalin or a Hitler REALLY comes from. They just want to stop anyone who can testify to their lies from being able to, and one murder leads to another, and next thing you know, 10 million people are dead…

  3. Does any rational person really believe this bullshit? Anyone? I am so sick of this crap. I guess when Commies and their sympathizers run government they always fear “the right”. They are really scared of middle class values

  4. ..these craven congresscritters right here, wearing escape hoods for no damn reason, show you everything you need to know about the basic cowardice of the minion of the devil who thinks that the actual Justice they have always feared has finally caught up to them…

    …funny how they somehow KNOW the enormity of their crimes merits death.

    Too bad they don’t realize it merits PERMANANT death…

    “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
    Revelation 21:8

    …so slink away, vile traitors, crawl to your holes. See if you can find a rock big enough to hide you from what you’ve so justly earned…

    “15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

    16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

    17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”
    Revelation 6: 15-17

    …this is why they want to ban Christianity.

    …They do not want to be reminded that, one day, their evil WILL be compensated justly, and by a Judge they can neither buy nor threaten…

    …and they know, deep down, they they deserve it all, and so run scared from any physical threat because they know that Death will be the LEAST of their problems, and only the START of the payment of their traitor’s wages they have worked so hard for…

    …flee, you fools.

    While you can.

    …but there is nowhere on Earth you can outrun the righeous judgement of the Lord…

  5. In light of everything hard-working American business owners have had to put up with for the past year, Congress getting shut down because something might happen is pure, weapons-grade irony.

  6. I think the FBI got weary of making complete asses of themselves; so they just came up with an excuse to get out of the Q&A session with the Senate early.

    “Yes, Mr Wray, please tell us more about these ‘terrorists’ who showed up with no firearms or explosives at all… And didn’t assault anone… How, exactly, does that work?”

  7. They’ve surrounded themselves with barriers and troops. Seems like it might be a great time to test out some of that stock pile of biological weapons that the DOD has. Right after Madame Speaker declares herself President.

    Off topic…?

    Can anyone tell me who I can call to get my garage floor painted?

    Perhaps start a thread on that.

    Oh wait…

    Fun poking people with sharp sticks…

    What mean I’m banded from further comments!?

  8. It’s social engineering by the Communist Deep State and it’s working. I have a friend that drops by the shop occasionally. Married to a Libtard School teacher. She’s mentioned to him a couple times in the last week the right wing extremists scare her so bad she’s having a hard time sleeping at night. This is not going to end well.

  9. These morons are never in session, which is a good thing. Yet they all live high on the hog, at our expense, because of course they do. I think that since politicians are now so scared of the deplorables that they have to leave the premises, just stay home! You serve NO purpose being at the Capitol or in your luxurious offices. The spaces could be made into housing for all of the illegals flooding the country. Just a thought.

  10. Republican congressman Schemer talks it over with Democrat congressman Schitz.

    Schemer (peering out the window of the Capital): Where are the right-wing militia? I haven’t seen even one white sheet yet.

    Schitz: They’re out there and they’re coming, trust me. See that American flag over there…that’s them, they always fly the American flag.

    Schemer: …no….that’s the flag at the White House.

    Schitz: Look, look over there…see the white sheet with two eyeholes and a pointed hat?

    Schemer: Wait, that’s the top of the Washington Monument…that’s not a militia guy.

    Schitz: Look at all the red things out there- MAGA hats worn by Nazis.

    Schemer: Those are lights on the tops of police cars and stop signs, you silly loon.

    Schitz: OK, even if you can’t see them, we know they are out there and they have a plan to shoot everyone of us including you Mr. RINO.

    Schemer: Who told you that?

    Schitz: Nancy and Mitch did, and they never lie.

    Schemer: Shit, Schitz, You’re right…lets get the hell out of here…where to?

    Schitz: The basement ladies and cloak room…they’ll never find us there.

    Schemer: Good idea…if we can find some women’s clothing, lets get rid of these suits and ties and wear dresses…they’ll be less likely to shoot us if they think we’re women. We can hide in the stalls in the ladies restroom.

    Schitz: Great idea Schemer…let’s do it. We’ll be heroes for getting out alive.

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