Congress Wants to See All of Comey’s Notes, Including His Meetings With Obama and Lynch – IOTW Report

Congress Wants to See All of Comey’s Notes, Including His Meetings With Obama and Lynch

I was wandering about this just this morning on Gab. The House Oversight and Senate Judiciary Committees are wanting former FBI Director James Comey to produce his memos from his meetings with Trump, Sessions and Rosenstein, as well as with Obama, Lynch and Yates.


Watch the press downplay the possible significance of what Comey had recorded and try to drop this hot potato before the evening news.

14 Comments on Congress Wants to See All of Comey’s Notes, Including His Meetings With Obama and Lynch

  1. Pretty soon the party line will be:
    “Why dredge up old grievances? Hilary already had the Presidency stolen from her, Leave her alone, Let Barak retire in peace, don’t try to wreck the first black President’s legacy, this is old news, Trump should release his taxes, Indictments like these are tantamount to a pogram”

  2. Apparently, Comey kept notes on many things. Funny how no notes were taken on Hillary’s email chat. I suspect that there were notes made on everything but maybe he just didn’t label them properly.

    He was fired while out of town. Wonder if there was a special group of folks that cleaned that office? Must be cuz his surrogates were not informed of their leader being fired.

    We might all be very surprised at the note details that Comey left behind. His supporters are very angry. What didn’t they destroy?

  3. If Comey chooses to obstruct justice, as did Lerner, Rice, Holder, Lynch, et al, then JAIL him until he comes clean. Why not?

    It’s time to rediscover those good old American traditions. Like truthfulness, patriotism, integrity. No more political correctness, party over country, stonewalling and distraction to avoid accountability.

  4. Gowdy is probably sitting in his hair stylist’s chair getting all jacked up for his 5 minute sound bite picturing himself getting within 2 more questions of nailing him, and then saying thank you for your time no further questions. Sorry, I just don’t like that guy.

  5. joe6pak,

    Well you got to admit, he’s got that bad ass prosecutor shit down. Unfortunately that’s where it ends. I share your sentiments about Mr. WTF do I do with my hair.

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