CongressDem uses his car’s thermometer to prove global warming – IOTW Report

CongressDem uses his car’s thermometer to prove global warming

global warming car thermometer


[He hears his car thermometer talking to him???]

29 Comments on CongressDem uses his car’s thermometer to prove global warming

  1. The little black probe peaking through a grille opening while baking in the sun had nothing to do with the display.

    The probe is black and that’s racist to blame high temperature on it!

    Kind of makes me wonder whether he regrets hitting send as he went down the road and saw the temperature declining. No, progressive goofs have no shame.

  2. and this guy had enough brain cells firing to get elected? not sure what that says about those who voted for him. He should have lunch with the ” Guam will tip over ” guy. who be a meetings of the lack of minds if there ever was one.

  3. Hmm, according to, Pleasanton, CA (the center of Swalwell’s district) temperatures on August 17, 1939 reached 106 degrees. On August 15, 1968 it reached 108 degrees. I think the good Congressman is experiencing nothing more than a phenomenon called SUMMER. Idiot.

  4. My car talks to me all the time.

    Usually telling me to find little girls and … well, offer em candy and ice cream and … y’know … make friends with them … and … y’know … let em play with my puppet … the one that lives in my pocket … he’s a pocket puppet … y’know …

  5. What could possibly pass for human intelligence on the level of that twit? California proves once again its only justifiable fate is to be rejoined at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

  6. This moron is another one of those politicians that has never worked a real job in his entire life. Straight from college to law school to an assistant to a congressman for two years then a short stint as an ADA in Alameda County. The only upside is that the in the race he defeated another Democrat congressmen thus proving Democrats are capable of eating their own.

  7. Global cooling is #ClimateChange too. So of course it is real. Climate changing is like saying water is wet. It is it’s intrinsic nature.

    So I truly question the veracity of their argument when they can’t even differentiate the nature of climate by treating ‘climate change’ as synonymous with ‘global warming’. It isn’t. And those questioning the affect of humans on climate are the anti-science ones?

    But thinking that a temperature of 109 is caused by climate change is probably not something you’d hear from people who have grown up in Oklahoma or Texas and known since they were kids to not touch the car’s door handle with bare hands on a hot July afternoon. Same as it ever was and has been for the sixty years I’ve experienced here.

  8. Globaloney Warming is an absurd, irrational religion – similar to izlam.

    Take a really stupid concept, worship it, and demand that everyone else get on board – or die.

    Both need to be eradicated.

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