Congressional Candidate for Virginia’s 7th District, Republican Tina Ramirez – IOTW Report

Congressional Candidate for Virginia’s 7th District, Republican Tina Ramirez

Tina Ramirez – Businesswoman, pro-life, global religious freedom advocate, pro 2A and Pro Trump.

[Because Abigail Spanberger has to go.]

4 Comments on Congressional Candidate for Virginia’s 7th District, Republican Tina Ramirez

  1. Yup. Spanberger has to go. Lots of good conservatives in this fight for the seat that Bloomberg, admittedly, bought.
    Sadly, conservatives got gerrymandered out of the 7th District. Gerrymandering booted us and Dave Brat out of power.

  2. “In 2012, Tina was awarded the Second Annual Ahmadiyya Muslim Humanitarian Award for her congressional work defending their community worldwide.”
    And Hispanic.

    Sorry, but would it be too much to ask for representatives to come from American (western/northern European) stock? Multiculturalism and diversity are fine if you want to destroy a society, however, I would like to see ours survive a bit longer than the next twenty years.


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