Congressional Dem Leadership Prepares The Ground To Ram Through Biden Stimulus Bonanza – IOTW Report

Congressional Dem Leadership Prepares The Ground To Ram Through Biden Stimulus Bonanza

Daily Wire

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) introduced a joint resolution on Monday afternoon that will allow them to pass President Joe Biden’s coronavirus stimulus package without needing support from the Republican Party. More

12 Comments on Congressional Dem Leadership Prepares The Ground To Ram Through Biden Stimulus Bonanza

  1. The American People no longer have any control over the American Government. The sooner people really understand this, the sooner we can get this party started before it’s too late.

  2. If increased spending didn’t make any difference under Trump, it doesn’t make any difference under Biden.

    If it had a positive effect under Trump, it will have a positive effect under Biden. The beneficiaries of it may vary a little, but that is to be expected either way.

  3. Don’t kid yourselves. This is just a uniparty smokescreen to make it look like the democrats don’t have the republican’s support. Like the way obamacare was passed without republican support yet when they had the WH, House and Senate to repeal it look what happened.

  4. And then you have Bezos stepping down from Amazon so he can focus on (i.e., FORCE) the Great Reset/New World Order on us (except he claims ‘other’ reasons for stepping down).

  5. The Treasury will be plundered.
    The beneficiaries will be Soros, Pelosi, Schumer, Hoyer, et al.
    Some of the lesser beneficiaries will be McConnell, Collins, Murkowski, Romney, et al.
    Our National Debt is ~ $24 Trillion with unfunded liabilities ~ $225 Trillion.
    We, the People, get NO BENEFIT whatsoever – only the debt.
    The Usurper Biden will skyrocket both of these in the coming years – particularly as we take over the liabilities of CA, IL, MA, WA, OR, CO, PA, VA, DC, MD, and the other failed third-world states among us.

    Keep an eye on whatever inflationary indices you use – the Usurper Biden and his cronies’ profligacy will prompt them to drastic fiduciary measures – sweeping 401s, Pension Funds, Savings, Checkings, Stock Holdings, &c. Germany taxed all “profits” over a certain amount – ALL PROFITS over a certain amount – 100% of them – even value increases in Stocks and Bonds (didn’t have to be sold to be liable to the tax). And then they “combed out” inefficient businesses – putting the assets into the Goering Combine, for instance.

    Batten down the hatches! Gonna be a blow!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Not to worry, they’ll include immigration as a budget item, amnesty as a budget item, climate change as a budget item, voting rights as a budget item, and maybe even establishing gulag retraining centers for non-Leftest…anything is possible.
    Oh, and don’t expect the Federal Court Oligarchs to reverse any of it. They’ll simply rule it’s the one branch of government they don’t directly control.


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