Congressional Democrats say there’s no Emergency – IOTW Report

Congressional Democrats say there’s no Emergency

Patriot Retort:

I don’t know why you guys are lying awake at night worrying about how you’re going to pay the bills.  It isn’t like there’s any kind of emergency.

Sure, your governor and mayor might be forcing you to live under house arrest while the place you worked for goes bankrupt.  But obviously that’s not an emergency.

Chillax, folks.

Life is good!

And if you don’t believe me, take it from the Congressional Democrats.

See, they’ve decided to stay on vacation until May fourth, absent an emergency. more

6 Comments on Congressional Democrats say there’s no Emergency

  1. This reminds me..after the smoke clears, it may be interesting for us to post quarantining observations and lessons learned during these past weeks, so we can laugh at this BS and know what we may expect next time.

    It’s been a surreal experience, hopefully of the once-in-a-lifetime kind.

  2. …why would you WANT them back? When in session, all they do is plot to impeach the President and figure out new and exciting ways to steal our money for the purposes of baby killing and Muslim Jihad funding anyway…

    …plus, it’s GOOD to not have to look at Pelosi, nicht wahr? I’m guessing that’s one of the reasons the devil hasn’t claimed her yet, even HE doesn’t want to have to go to work and look at HER every day for the rest of Eternity…

  3. I am not lying awake at night, I get up and fiddle. My retirement days are now starting at 4am and filled with gallons of coffee. Its 5:22 and I’m starting my second cup just now.

  4. @SNS – thank you sir, you sure made me feel better after reading that, about that POS.

    You are correct, but it’s the smugness and arrogance I despise them for, not necessarily their work hours…


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