Congressional Republicans Make Desperate Last-Minute Bid to Block Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate – IOTW Report

Congressional Republicans Make Desperate Last-Minute Bid to Block Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate

Becker News- Congressional Republicans are pulling out all the stops to block President Biden’s forthcoming directive that OSHA implement regulations that would force employers to issue vaccine mandates or face heavy fines.

According to text of the bill, named the No Taxation Without Congressional Consent Act, “no fine, fee, or taxation shall be imposed on any person for violating a COVID–19 vaccine mandate issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or any other executive agency.”

“Your decision about whether or not to get a COVID vaccine should be yours and yours alone — not Joe Biden’s or a bunch of federal bureaucrats you’ve never heard of,” Roy said in a statement to Fox News. “The president’s proposed mandate is both unconstitutional and flat-out tyrannical. No freedom-loving American should comply. This country needs, and her people deserve, healthcare freedom. That means taking control over our care back from politicians and bureaucrats. I am proud to introduce this legislation with my good friend Senator Mike Lee to gut the federal government’s ability to enforce this unconstitutional mandate.” more

Now There are Whispers in D.C. That Biden is About to Issue Vaccine Passport Mandate for Interstate Travel.

20 Comments on Congressional Republicans Make Desperate Last-Minute Bid to Block Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate

  1. …with a bill that needs passing by a Democrat Congress?

    Only State-by-State nullification of unlawful Presidential Executive Orders will bring his madness to a halt.

  2. I’m guessing that a lot of people are withholding their donations to the GOP in hopes of getting them to grow some balls.
    They’ll attempt to take a “stand” for the propaganda points – without doing anything to substantially impede the Globaloney Agenda.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m sure ol Joe has been foaming at the mouth watching those beat down videos out of Melbourne drooling and wishing, wishing and hoping he could bring it to a city near us. Then someone reminds him we need to get the guns first sir, remember the guns. You can bet the beat downs would be here if we couldn’t defend ourselves against them.

  4. The demented buffoon can’t hold a thought or a sentence together!
    How the Hell is this Jackass supposed to hold a nation together?
    Anyone who really thinks that this Progressive Puppet give two SHITS about your health needs to take a nuther hit of nerve gas! It’s all about the power!

  5. To the people that happily go along with this, you’re next. If they can destroy the non-complian, what would they do next to the ones that comply. How about a weekly mandatory shot?
    Door to door surprise home inspections?
    Social credit score, government permission for all transactions? It wouldn’t be a big step from no interstate travel to leaving your house.

  6. “There have been numerous signs in recent weeks that the Biden administration is poised to issue a vaccine mandate for interstate travel, even though it would be blatantly constitutional.”

    I assume that wouldn’t apply to all the illegal aliens who have entered the country without being vaxxed. They will be free to move about the country, usually in buses and planes paid for by the government.

    They are trying real hard to push us until we March in the streets, then they can launch their “final solution”.

  7. Do jobs matter in the least if they are after our very lives?
    Forcing an unknown and admittedly EXPERIMENTAL drug into American citizens is even entertained as a serious ‘discussion’??!!

    FUCK biden* and the entire now farcical government, they can go straight to hell.

    Constitutional? Legitimate? Moral? Ethical?
    They are driving this bus.


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