State Rep calls Donald Trump Jr. Retarded – IOTW Report

State Rep calls Donald Trump Jr. Retarded


Embattled state Rep. John Rogers, D-Birmingham, already under fire by Republicans for his “kill them now or kill them later” remark on abortion, said Thursday that Donald Trump, Jr. is “evidently retarded” and should have been aborted.

Rogers made the latest comments after the president’s son called his remark “stomach curling.”

“He’s evidently retarded. Uh, crazy,” the lawmaker said, adding that it was “an honor” to be rebuked by Trump. “Donald Trump’s son, I know there’s something wrong with that boy.”

ht/ hot salsa

34 Comments on State Rep calls Donald Trump Jr. Retarded

  1. Wheeeew! I seriously do not have a racist bone in my body…… but that mutherfooker needs to be put out of my misery …
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. “…….. Donald Trump, Jr. is “evidently retarded” and should have been aborted ………….”

    Said by a State representative to the President of the United States.

    I imagine he wouldn’t understand that statement implies about himself.

  3. Retard is a clinical term. It has to do with IQ standards.

    My dead brother was a retard…this idiot (see the classification is no retard) is not retarded.

    IQ ratings:

    The word RETARD is thrown around just like RACIST.

    I see real retarded people in the street, I see them in the store, they go to school and work EVERYDAY, maybe ONE might pack your groceries.

    And then I see real fucking assholes. And this is one obviously.

    He should get to know a ‘retard’ with Autism, you might actually like them AND find them interesting, having real compassion.

  4. Damn, if Doug Jones (D) is saying he’s reprehensible, then you know he’s bad.
    Also, I like how some of the commenters in the story tried to derail the comments on the story by talking about Barr or something else. lol.

    We can still read the story, shugs. That old black man is an embarrassment to alabama (as Jones said) and really needs a geriatric mental health exam.

  5. It is the constant exposure to people like this that encourages others to be racist. He sounds as if he it talking with one of Maxine’s huge fermenting turds stuck in his throat.

  6. commitment to becoming a “public person” includes accepting the idea that you will be insulted and castigated by those lesser souls who’s minds are blackened by their own burning desires for power and control over others.
    think of how much more gentle and calm the world of politics would be if one benefit of the price of admission is one bullet-only one-to use as you yourself see fit. no questions asked.

  7. Seriously…this man speaks like Steppen Fetchett and he has the balls to say anything. Who the fuck votes for people like this? Retarded Negroes?

  8. …so now the Democrats are in favor of murdering people for being retarded?

    Geeze guys, why not just start wearing arm bands and building ovens, you’re REALLY not hiding this well any more…

  9. Thank you Democrat President Johnson for creating such a monster. Your Great Society movement sure worked out well, didn’t it? Just like you said, “Those niggers will be voting democrat for 200 years.” Hope you’re happy with your horribly devastating consequences.

  10. Do the demonrats actively recruit the most extreme idiots, and only take the dumbest ones?
    Or are the fools just naturally attracted to the party, and the leadership rejects the ones that are just smart enough to understand the words, “go away”, and then leave. Then keep the ones that stay, and push them into elected office?

  11. “Death” is the answer.

    Don’t like someone’s politics?

    Don’t like someone’s heritage?

    Don’t like someone’s genetic code?

    Don’t like someone’s social standing?

    Don’t like someone’s hair color (or texture)?

    Don’t approve of someone’s educational level (high or low)?

    Don’t like someone’s career path (a “worker” or a “proletarian” or part of the “intelligentsia” for instance)?

    Don’t agree with what someone says?

    Don’t like someone’s look?

    The heart of nihilistic socialism – from Oneida to Nechayev to Lenin to Stalin to Hitler to Mussolini to Mao to Kim to Castro to Ortega to &c., &c., &c. …

    Another useful idiot chimes in.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. # Anti White
    How committed are “leftists” to a “diversity” stance globally?
    ”Diversity” is entirely one way: taking white institutions and populations and turning them non white.

    If diversity is such a strength, why is this “gift” given to White populations only, when there are so many non white places that “need” it much more?

    If this were imposed on All and Only black peoples, wouldn’t it be obviously Anti Black? Wouldn’t it be called Genoc-de?
    Open borders is the real so-called White ‘Privilege’.
    This is genocidal Anti White hostility as matter of public policy

  13. I passed through Birmingham a couple of years ago.
    Drove about 1 1/2 hrs through a suburb on a Sunday morning that looked like a war-zone.
    No shit. Deserted. Boarded up buildings. Filth. Litter. Pocked roads. Abundance of Check-cashing places and Liquor stores – all with bars on the windows and doors.
    SW side, if I remember correctly.
    Didn’t have a map but I figured Memphis was NNW.

    This dude’s probably truly “representative” of the people.

    izlamo delenda est …


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