Congressman Massie: ‘We Need to Audit the Fed, It’s a Creature of the Swamp’ – IOTW Report

Congressman Massie: ‘We Need to Audit the Fed, It’s a Creature of the Swamp’


The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee passed a bill on Tuesday to fully audit the Federal Reserve.

The House passed previous versions of the legislation in 2012 and 2014, with dozens of Democrats joining Republicans in support. Previous bills to audit the Federal Reserve died in the Senate.

While on the campaign trail, Donald Trump expressed interest in passing legislation to audit the Federal Reserve.

Democrats remain opposed to auditing the Federal Reserve, claiming that it would harm its independence. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) said, “We should not in any way hinder their independence.”

 Breitbart News spoke with Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY), the sponsor of the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2017, about auditing the Federal Reserve.

Congressman Massie said that despite the contention of critics, such as Rep. Maloney, the Federal Reserve is not independent. He said:

They say that the Fed needs to remain independent and frankly we have no idea if the Fed is independent between Wall Street and the Treasury. The Federal Reserve was set up to be a second treasury. Is the motivation for the Fed good monetary policy or is it to make Wall Street money? We simply don’t know that it’s independent.


9 Comments on Congressman Massie: ‘We Need to Audit the Fed, It’s a Creature of the Swamp’

  1. This would be a great idea in 3 years after you dumbasses have Obongacare repealed, a budget passed that balances, the border wall built, taxes reduced, all government agencies reduced by 25 percent, Supreme Court justice appointed, federal judgeships filled, ……….
    Sitting on your ass and pointing fingers doesn’t impress

  2. We have too many guys like Trey Gowdy, who talk one helluva game, but don’t seem to be indicting or convicting any one. Let’s give it time, Trump is sizing up the federal gov’t beast and apparatus and taking some good whacks at it. The cuts this week to the climate change gravy train w our tax $$$ was a good kick in the nuts to these bedwetters and they are going to lose their gravy train. Lots of unhappiness and tantrums, a good sign. Lotta unhappy pseudoscience carnival barkers.

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