Breitbart – Attorney General Jeff Sessions told a small group of lawmakers in late September he was recused from appointing a special counsel to look into potential corruption surrounding the Uranium One deal and Fusion GPS’s work on the Trump dossier, according to one of the lawmakers present.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Breitbart News on Wednesday that he and other House Judiciary Committee Republicans had met with Sessions at the Justice Department on September 28 in advance of an upcoming committee hearing with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein later this month.
Gaetz said that when he asked Sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate the 2010 Uranium One deal and Fusion GPS, the attorney general stood up, said he could not discuss the matter because he had recused himself, and walked out of the room, leaving them with a group of Rosenstein staffers “who showed no interest.”
“He said that anything that had to do with 2016 election, or Russia, or the candidates in the 2016 election, fell under the scope of his recusal, and he left the room,” Gaetz said.
“It was Sessions’ position that his recusal on the Russia matter divorced him from any oversight on Uranium One and Fusion GPS. That’s troubling.
Read the rest HERE
No shit, Sherlock. What does this idiot do all day? Why did he even take the job when he knew that he would have an issue with anything Russian? What if I took a job as a cooked vegetable taster when I hate cooked carrots? Would I expect my boss to be ok when I said I wouldn’t be able to taste cooked carrots?
Trump says that he is frustrated. Well, bub, so are we. We expected him to be able to do the job you hired him to do. Now, do the job we voted for you to do. Drain the swamp. You need a competent WORKING Attorney General to accomplish that. You better brush up on “You’re Fired!” this weekend. I want to read on Monday that he is gone.
Hey Jeffy, YOU’RE FIRED!!!
Sessions should recuse himself from govt “service”.
The Swamp is healthier than ever.
Has Sessions done even one thing as AG? What a disappointment. He should have been gone long ago.
Is the reason nothing has been done thus far is that there is a special election for his senate seat in Alabama next month? He’s still the seat holder on paper, I think. If trump fired him today could sessions just declare that he’s still the senator from Alabama and special election is called off?
I honestly don’t know.
What hasn’t he recused himself from? FFS President Trump get an new AG. Useless as tits on a bull, as my Dad used to say.
Well, he did reinforce the idea that American citizens are guilty until proved innocent and law enforcement can seize property without due process or fear of recriminations.
How can Sessions recuse himself if he never cused himself to start with?
Must be kinda like being gruntled. Nobody ever talks about it until they’ve gotten disgruntled, and then it’s too late.
If that’s the case Trump needs to fire him now and tell the world that since he recused himself on damn near every large case that the public is interested in has resulted in his uselessness as an AG. Trump needs to get somebody outside DC and to clean out the DOJ.
Sheesh. At this rate all he’ll be doing is prosecuting drunk drivers in night court.
RINO Congress critters have said they will not allow Trump to fire Sessions. The same people say if he does fire him they will not approve another appointment. They’ve also either passed or proposed legislation that would block Trump from making an emergency appointment when congress is out of session. I don’t get the last one. Wouldn’t the President need to sign such legislation into law?
This is why I posted here a couple days ago Trump needs to start firing AG’s and temp AG’s like a PEDS dispenser until he finds one from within the DOJ that understands the Rule of Law and starts prosecuting law breakers.
Trump’s out of the country on his Asia tour for 2 weeks.
NO coincidence.
I hope he fires Sessions tomorrow, at latest Monday.
The guy is UNFIT and UNABLE to perform the BASIC TASKS of the position.
GONE, baby, GONE.
“ Why did he even take the job……..”.
Tho protect HRC, obama, and the swamp, in which has wallowed for years!
He really needs to resign, since he is way too recusal.
Well I heard Jeff Sessions was a coward,
Well I heard ole Jeff he let Trump down.
Well, I hope Jeff Sessions will remember,
PDT don’t need him around, anyhow.
Get home to Alabama,
We’re tired of you.
Get home to Alabama,
You don’t have a fuckin’ clue.
Breaking: Sessions has recused himself from prosecuting MS13 murders, because he attended a funeral once. Yeah, that’s about how related all things Russia & U1 are.
I said it on an earlier post- he ain’t going anywhere.
Brad I’m pretty sure he’d have to get down to the janitor to find someone in that cesspool.
If he doesn’t fire him soon then either he’s given up or is blowing smoke up our ass.
As AG he manages DOJ, which has the FBI. Has Sessions recused himself in the Mandalay
Bay massacre too? Recused himself about anything pertaining to Vegas yet? Not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Any misgivings on something like that, Jeff?
Old Racist White Woman
Trying to find someone with integrity from within the DOJ might be his only option.
Of course if the drunk drivers in night court got Drunk on vodka, he’d have to recuse himself.
Someone should invite him to some rock climbing. But the only gear he can take with him are roller skates.
Even if Sessions decided to push on Uranium One, I have my doubts that Chris Wray would get right on it. He’s as swampy as Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey and McCabe.
Rush used to joke about Hillary’s “Testicle Lockbox”. Damned if she doesn’t have one.
Oh there’s a terrorist on trial? Well, he must recuse himself because he had eaten curry once and liked it!
I’m hereby drafting any of the following for Attorney General:
Victoria Toensing
J. Christian Adams
If it weren’t for his late freight on the Trump thing, and I’ll get blow back on this, Mark Levin.
We need a fighter that knows the lay of the swamp.
Mr. Sessions,
You need to recuse yourself as our attorney general. We need a lawyer who will smoke out the Demoncrat and Obammy criminals and drain the DC swamp!
Posted by Demoncrats
(your least favorite former Alabama constituent)
…on the “lighter side” of Uranium One…
President Trump,
You need to fire Mr. Sessions and the Obammy and Holder lackey Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Rosenstein should’ve been fired the day after the inauguration. Drain the damn swamp!
Posted by Demoncrats
Like I said before, at least Trey Gowdy would have been entertaining while he was doing nothing.
I want to snap that little fucker like a twig.
“Has Sessions done even one thing as AG?”
he ramped up civil asset forfieture, a.k.a highway robbery under color of badge. he’s a slimy, swampy, cuck like the rest of them.
“I want to snap that little fucker like a twig”
Go ahead. He’ll recuse himself from your prosecution. Case dismissed.
Forrest Sessions
Sessions might as well resign if he is not going to do anything. Recuse=Inaction
I didn’t read all the comments but I’m damn sick and tired of the BullShit.
Is it time for a revolution or am I being too impatient?
Out. Just go. Out. Out of here. You’re gone. You’re fired. You’re useless. You look stupid and your shit’s all retarded. Go. Now. That door. Out.
Hannity is reporting that Session has not recused himself from the U-1 Deal
Hannity is saying he has confirmed by multiple sources inside the DOJ that sessions did NOT recuse himself from Uranium One.
Loved Herman Cain’s comment on Jeff Sessions. He finds sessions to be an honorable man “relative to his trade”. Hahaha.
More fake news.
Trump was making noises about Sessions today on the news. If he doesn’t follow through and fire Sessions, he will hurt his base bad.
Apparently Sessions only took the AG job for the prestige and accomplishment of it. And to vindicate himself from all those old rayciss accusations.
He should be put to the curb on Monday with the rest of the trash.