Congressman’s Wife Died After Taking White Mulberry Leaf, an Herbal Remedy – IOTW Report

Congressman’s Wife Died After Taking White Mulberry Leaf, an Herbal Remedy


The wife of a Northern California congressman died late last year after ingesting a plant that is generally considered safe and is used as an herbal remedy for a variety of ailments, including diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol, KHN has learned.

Lori McClintock, the wife of U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock, died from dehydration due to gastroenteritis — an inflammation of the stomach and intestines — that was caused by “adverse effects of white mulberry leaf ingestion,” according to a report from the Sacramento County coroner that is dated March 10 but was not immediately released to the public. KHN obtained that report — in addition to the autopsy report and an amended death certificate containing an updated cause of death — in July.

The coroner’s office ruled her death an accident. The original death certificate, dated Dec. 20, 2021, listed the cause of death as “pending.”

Tom McClintock, a Republican who represents a district that spans multiple counties in northern and central California, found his 61-year-old wife unresponsive at their Elk Grove, California, home on Dec. 15, 2021, according to the coroner’s report. He had just returned from Washington, D.C., after voting in Congress the night before.


21 Comments on Congressman’s Wife Died After Taking White Mulberry Leaf, an Herbal Remedy

  1. I personally see this “coroner’s report” as standard “medical” propaganda against herbal / nutritional supplements. Gastroenteritis is basically defined as a “stomach flu” type of illness. White mulberry leaf is most often used for treating diabetes, but many diabetics are already on pharmaceutical drugs that have their own set of problems.

    While I suppose there is a very slight possibility that she might have taken too much of the mulberry leaf or other substances or that she might have been allergic to it (or something else she took), one of the common problems encountered with type 2 diabetes is gastric issues including gastroenteritis. I suspect this coroner is just another brainwashed pharma supporter that saw an opportunity to propagate the falsehood that herbal remedies are more unsafe than prescription drugs used in treating diabetes. The gastroenteritis likely stemmed from the diabetes itself rather than any herbs she may have taken. This link discusses diabetes and gastroenteritis.

    Funny how this coroner could specifically determine that white mulberry leaf caused her death (I seriously doubt there is any established criteria to make such a determination) when there apparently isn’t a coroner in the world that can objectively identify the hundreds of thousands of deaths (or more) caused by the COVID jabs even though there are very specific tests that can prove damage from the death jab.

  2. ‘Probably’ not the mulberry supplement but it makes a convenient scapegoat when no other cause for the gastro issue could be found. Doctors are trained in Rockefeller Medicine and are extremely biased against natural herbs in favor of chemical drugs.

  3. Too bad they couldn.t have practiced this type of extensive scrutiny for the thousands of people that mysteriously dropped dead after taking the experimental mRNA injections.

  4. According to what this story says, she was dehydrated and a partially intact leaf was in her stomach.
    That seems like a crappy autopsy, we can’t really discover why she died, but we’re going to say it’s that.
    Dehydration doesn’t kill you that fast, and just because she had a partially intact leaf in her stomach doesn’t mean that’s what killed her.
    I know very little about mulberry leaves, but even in the article they say nobody has died from them.
    It makes me laugh though about the FDA, like they do such a good job on drugs now, when over half of new drugs are approved and then later removed or a list of 100’s of serious side effects or death has to be added. They do such a good job on food, that we’ve had killer tomatoes, killer lettuce, baby formula, cheese, milk, ice cream, meat, etc.

  5. White Mulberry leaf is sold all over, check out ebay. Anyone else die from taking it?? I’d be more inclined to suspect “The Jab/Stab”. Medical sheep doctors aren’t allowed to say that, if they want to stay in business. Limited freedom of speech has its limits now days.

  6. Tom McClintock was our Rep, then they redid the boundary lines and his area got moved more east a few years back. We liked him and voted for him. Now we’re stuck with a rice farmer, a turncoat. I did not know Tom’s wife died. 🙁

  7. When taken by mouth: The powdered leaf of white mulberry is possibly safe for most people when taken for up to 12 weeks. It might cause bloating, constipation, gas, and loose stools in some people. There isn’t enough reliable information to know if white mulberry berries are safe when taken as a medicine or what the side effects might be.

    I suspect this isn’t what killed her. She could of had underlyng conditions that didn’t manifest itself until she got the jab. This seems to be the common theme in people who died suddenly. Friend with Stage 4 bladder cancer – 3 jabs and boom he has Stage 4 bladder cancer. One friend just died from neck cancer – double jabbed. 2 female friends with leukemia – double jabbed. Too much of a coincidence.

  8. They have been trying to ban the supplement industry for decades and no, people do not need the FDA to approve everything. Same people that allow 10k plus ingredients in food they even admit they don’t have a clue how they affect health. They also know aspartame and glyphosate are cancerous yet they remain approved.
    Something else to be aware of, most of the products being sold that once were from independent health conscious entrepreneurs have been bought by up and formulas are changed. This BS is all to scare people, trust the experts, only listen to your doctor and only take allopathic meds.

  9. At least she didn’t die in a fiery car crash. Or of an unexpected heart attack caused by hydrotrioxides or cold showers and stuff.

    Anyway, we need the FDA to regulate those risky supplements and get Pfizer to invent some substitutes.

  10. Goldenfoxx

    He’s our guy now. Good guy. Trump supporter. He could be more vocal. However when the election was stolen he made no bones about it.
    The cause of death is real thin. That makes no sense.


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