Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin Lies To Her Constituents – Luckily They’re Not All Stupid – IOTW Report

Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin Lies To Her Constituents – Luckily They’re Not All Stupid

This is why the left needs to be throat-pinched. They lie.

When did the president ask the president of the Ukraine to “dig up dirt” on Biden? That NEVER HAPPENED.

Would the left sit still if everyone started referring to what they are doing now, “the congressional investigation on the Ukraine phone call,” as “digging up dirt” on the president?

Was the investigation into Kavanaugh the left asking the senators to “dig up dirt” on the Supreme Court nominee?

The left’s investigations are investigations.

The right’s investigations are “digging up dirt.”

They are insufferable and need to be eradicated.

ht/ hot salsa

Speaking of leftist lies–

8 Comments on Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin Lies To Her Constituents – Luckily They’re Not All Stupid

  1. A lot of congressional Democrats are going to regret going home during this House two week recess. Constituents are showing up to greet them. And it will continue every time the congresshole shows up in public. House members live for one thing, their reelection every twenty-four months. Impeachment won’t poll well where the deplorable Flyover Man lives.

  2. And they can parade out another 10 or 20 or 59 whistleblowers. Trump already released the ACTUAL transcript for everyone to read and decide on their own. Or what next, CNN out there telling us again it is illegal for us to read those documents. They must do it and tell us what is in it. Trump thrives in chaos, they don’t understand that, and it is going to bite them in the a….

  3. The extra ordinarily brilliant founding fathers had it perfectly right when they declared that only male, property owning citizens could vote or hold public office!

  4. They perpetually grasp at straws to try to save their sorry asses.

    Democrat Party: the party of slavery, secession, Selma, segregation, socialism, sexual deviance, and shit in general. Democrats have no moral leg to stand on.

    Flush ’em away.

    (But I am completely against the removal of Confederate Statues and the Confederate Flag. They are part of our history – let them stand).

  5. ok D’tards, I get it … everything, I mean EVERYTHING is Trump’s fault
    it’s cloudy today? … Trump’s fault
    broke a shoe lace? … Trump’s fault
    cat yaked up a hair ball? … Trump’s fault
    kid wants a third sex-change? … Trump’s fault
    fat-slob Cheeto-eating, Red Bull swilling son won’t leave the basement? … Trump’s fault
    significant other ran off w/ a transexual midget wheelchair-bound Thailand monk & took the cat? … Trump’s fault
    kid didn’t get the lead part in the school’s interpretation of ‘Hamlet’, not because it wasn’t ‘talented’ … oh, no … because it couldn’t read! … Trump’s fault

    PDT has beat these fools like a drum … & they keep coming back for more

    while I sit here w/ a smile on my face, eating my popcorn


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