Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy(D) is, and will always be, an idiot – IOTW Report

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy(D) is, and will always be, an idiot

Iran Appeasing Dem Senator Suggests NFL Draft Is Racist Slave Auction.

Trending Politics: Democrats won’t ever be truly happy until they have drained every last ounce of enjoyment out of everything that Americans hold dear. 

Now it’s the NFL draft that is under attack by they ayatollahs of political correctness led by Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy as sports-starved Americans who have been placed under house arrest have tuned in record numbers.  read more

15 Comments on Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy(D) is, and will always be, an idiot

  1. Mouth-breather is nothing more then an Islamic communist traitor. if he really wanted to do something for the people of CT, he could start by cleaning up that shithole called Hartford.

  2. Add Bridgeport and New Haven to that list Mr the dirtball. Those are all Dem controlled sanctuary cities that always manage to make it almost impossible for a Republican to get elected as Governor or to the Senate.
    I’ve lived here all of my life and must say with the Dems in charge our once great manufacturing state is now in the crapper. Murphy is just another turd circling the bowl.

  3. Here’s a Thomas Sowell Tweet that should shut the morn up, but it won’t.

    Thomas Sowell
    · Aug 18, 2019
    Racism is not dead, but it is on life support — kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as “racists.”

  4. Let me break it down for ya, sister.
    Any Senator with a (D) after there name is a lying, cheating idiot.
    And probably 1/3 of the (R)’s too boot.

    I know Virginia has 2 drooling nincompoops. Murphy’s cohort in CT, Da Nang Dick Blumenthal is another.

  5. “I bet that mouth would would work well for removing barnacles from hulls.”

    so he’s a barnacle sucker?

    from his picture i would have guessed stink sucker, but what do i know?

  6. First, I don’t give hoot what happens at the NFL, haven’t watched a game since the managers / owners started tolerating the take-a-knee BS. Didn’t even know what two teams competed in the last Super Bowl, until post game I accidentally heard the score reported on the radio.

    Secondly, some days I think there has been a virus in the air for 50 ~ 100 years that makes the infected stupid idiots. The idiotvirus.


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