Connecting the dots- progressive style – IOTW Report

Connecting the dots- progressive style

Reader Golphin says:

Pretty nauseating to hear that Kerry strategists said Trump is directly responsible for the violence and deaths in Charlottesville because he “actively sought” their support. Bullcrap.

Ok—-  Obama “actively sought” Muslim support ( the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam), so he’s responsible for ALL the Islamic attacks in the US and maybe beyond.
Muslim Brotherhood support. Iranian support. IS Support running guns to topple Syria?

San Bernadino? Obamas fault. Orlando Pulse attack? Obamas fault. Fort hood and Chattanooga? Obama. Obama. Obama.
All. Of. It.

See how easy it is?


9 Comments on Connecting the dots- progressive style

  1. President Trump NEVER courted the “racists” and NEVER encouraged racism or hate at any level.
    Golphin makes a good point, but should ask the socialist/totalitarians to give examples of President Trump spewing hate, violence, and racism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Has anyone been tracking Trump’s poll numbers lately? The same polls that gave Hillary a “two-digit” lead have him with a failing grade of mid-30 percent-ish. GMAFB.

    Just as sickening, a WAPO article within the last few days showed him “losing his base”, no accomplishments, failing on all cylinders, etc.


    Trump, team, and we the Deplorables need to keep beating that fake news drum.

    Let’s remember Obama’s true legacy:

    1st term: FAIL. Blamed Bush.
    2nd term: FAIL. Blamed Congress.
    Post-office: Blames Trump for the Obama disaster zone.

    Farcical freak.

  3. Allow me to be the first to state: Kerry and strategy are totally oxymoronic concepts.
    Kerry’s face reminds me of the north end of the southbound mule.
    even with his wife’s money, he can buy any good sense.

  4. It was only a matter of time before we went from deplorables to Nazis in the mind of the left. So be it. It just steels my resolve to crush them politically.

    I suspect you won’t find “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”on their reading list. If they are BLM, they probably don’t have a list, or own a single book.

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