Consequences of Oppression Chic – IOTW Report

Consequences of Oppression Chic

CNS- Why was America so shocked by homegirl hoaxer Rachel Dolezal?


The spray-tanned con artist, who resigned this week as head of the Spokane chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of (Artificially) Colored People, is the inevitable outcome of academia’s cult of manufactured victimhood.

College campuses have been grooming a cadre of professional minority fakers and fraudsters for decades.

The notorious pretendians Ward Churchill and Elizabeth Warren faked their Native American status to bolster their faculty credentials at the University of Colorado and Harvard, respectively.

ward churchill rally

It was a mutually beneficial racket for all poseur parties involved. Churchill and Warren basked in their tenured glory. The schools racked up politically correct points for adding the right flavors to their employment rolls.

elizabeth warren

17 Comments on Consequences of Oppression Chic

  1. Good for them. I’ll continue to cut their tendons and out them for the ignorant, ineffective fucks they actually are.

    Next, please.

    Thankfully, not all workplaces are about what you say. Some are still what you actually do.

    Too many salaries are contingent on mouth spew. This is a failing of our nation.

    Contribute. Produce. Or get the fuck out of my sight.

  2. More fake oppressed, more fake victims, more anarchy. This is Bolshevism. It repeats itself throughout history. It’s official doctrine of the DNC.

    We probably cannot contain its conflagration at this point.

  3. Academia ceased being a place of learning after the war. It is now a huge “jobs” industry that produces automatons who have no other skills than to promote academics. Probably 60% of the nations workforce does absolutely nothing other than shovel papers to each other. They produce nothing, They contribute nothing. Middle Managers, Lawyers, CPAs, Spin Doctors, Counselors, Social Workers, Most Teachers, Many Therapists, and just about all of the worthless maggots who infest the “Human Resources” Divisions do nothing but make work for each other and make business more difficult to do.

    This is the direct result of the Bureaucracy involving itself in “Education” to the detriment of education.

  4. I know, right? When #1 daughter was sweating bullets as she applied to the Prestigious Business School (nevermind that her resume at 18 read like someone who had been in the workforce for 15 years or that she came to them with a 3.999 gpa), I quipped, “Just write about how, as a black, lesbian, “questioner” you feel, like, all oppressed and stuff. And don’t leave out the buzz phrases ‘social justice’, ‘global warming’, and ‘eurocentric.'”

    The left salivates like Pavlov’s Saint Bernard over this crap!

  5. Holy Moses! Just when I think we’ve seen/heard all there is about Rachel D., she just keeps on giving! I’d seen her “glam shot”, but this, this is icing on the cake of her liberal mindset madness.

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