Conservatism Needs Better Branding America – IOTW Report

Conservatism Needs Better Branding America

Jeff Web for Human Events

My business background over many decades emphasized brand building and the need to create messaging that resonates with a target market. The messages need to not only sound positive, they also need to be consistent with the branded image a company is trying to build.

Progressives, liberals, Democrats—call them what you will—have been branding themselves since the days of FDR as the party of the disadvantaged (whatever that oxymoronic phrase really means). Whether it be working-class Americans, racial minorities, “gender” minorities and groups identified by sexual orientation, take your pick, the left has consistently found new ways to thinly slice our population, figure out a way to get people to identify as being oppressed or victimized, and then turn to the party of the disadvantaged to assist. More

13 Comments on Conservatism Needs Better Branding America

  1. The undeniable unassailable fact that conservatives must come to terms with is this; it does not matter that we are the party of individual freedom, of self determinism, of autonomy our our medical and economic choices, of law and order and comity, of fiscal responsibility, and of respecting our neighbors and the choices that they make, the progressives can counter all that with the simple promise and they are the party that will take care of you and give you free shit. And by that simple metric, the battle is pretty much already lost.

  2. I think conservativism needs to get the message out that WE are the movement that wants to unite the country, not divide it. Do everything we can to attract the people that are tired of the divisiveness of the liberals. The liberals biggest weakness it that they are the group where all of the freaks, pervs & crooks go because they know that the democrat party will put up with their sh*t as long as the democrat party gets their vote, but that is their ultimate weakness. These little grievance groups are only united as long as the democrats put up with them. As soon as that stops, they will be at each other’s throats because so many of them actually have different agendas. WE, as conservatives have to use that very fact to our advantage, and we have never even tried to do that.

  3. part of the problem is that some conservatives don’t know what they stand for. Some lie and say they are conservative but are really more like a progressive-lite. How can you brand someone when you have trouble defining it.

  4. @DavidW: You’re absolutely right. There are too many people that just do not appreciate the value of true conservatism. They don’t like liberalism but don’t like conservatism either. I think that a lot of the people (RINOs) that claim to be conservative but are not are actually democrat infiltrators. They aren’t republicans at all, they are democrats that have registered as republicans and their only job is to spy on & disrupt the republican party.

  5. It’s too bad Hebrew National already used “We answer to a higher authority”. That would have been a good tag line.

    As it stands, the GOP doesn’t care what conservatives call themselves or their attempt at branding. So long as you have to pull the “R” for Republican (RNC), it’s all academic. It’s time to un-brand the Republican Party.

  6. Conservative Party

    “Liberty & Justice For All, Not Like The Other Guys”

    “Straight Talk, No More Bullshit”


    I really like that last one….

  7. Nah. Branding is an idea that has come out of the minds of low-life Marketing Sluts, maybe one level above used car salesmen. Its most popular tool seems to be cheasy sloganeering.

    My favorite non-sensical slogan: We do (whatever they do) one at a time. Like: Our cough drops cure a cough one cough at a time, or, we’ll rid your house of termites one termite at a time.

    That’s OK if you are building cruise ships. One at a time is a good way to do it. But if you are manufacturing rivets, for example, you make ’em hundreds of times an hour and hope people buy them in bulk quantities of hundreds at a time.

    What kind of cheap slogans could we expect?

    Vote Republican and we’ll increase your taxes less often than Democrats do!

    We earn your votes the old-fashioned way – we buy them!

    To protect American lives, we will send even more troops to even more countries around the world!

  8. How about “We want you to succeed”
    “We want your children to thrive”
    “You deserve to live better”
    “You’re community counts”

    Republicans would do well to focus their message on the nation’s top employers; small business, particularly those owned and operated by women. They know the score with the democrats in charge and if they don’t Conservatives should be reminding them at every opportunity.

  9. I have many friends who conduct their lives as conservatives. Work hard, good citizens, raise their kids with responsibility and morals, etc etc. yet they call themselves liberal and vote dem and hate republicans. There is some kind of disconnect. (I suspect they are fiscal conservatives and social libs but don’t see how the social rot eventually contaminates everything)

    A new development however is that I now hate BOTH dems and republicans. So there’s that

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