Conservative Journalist Stabbed in Portland Caught on Video – IOTW Report

Conservative Journalist Stabbed in Portland Caught on Video

Trending Politics:

[…] Duncomb, who is Black and a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, told The Oregonian/OregonLive that he had traveled last Friday to Portland from his home in Northern California to document the nightly unrest outside the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse and county Justice Center.

He had a specific agenda in mind.

“My main goal was to show that it wasn’t just the feds creating the problems,” Duncomb said.

You may recall that the dumb-dumbs running Portland – Mayor Ted Wheeler, we’re looking at you – have blamed the ongoing violence in that hub of Antifa on President Donald Trump and his administration for daring to defend a federal courthouse that has come under siege there. more here

Update from Lifezette.

18 Comments on Conservative Journalist Stabbed in Portland Caught on Video

  1. …the actual shooting part of the last Civil War started when Democrats physically attacked the Federal property of Fort Sumter, which gave Lincoln no choice but to treat the insurrection AS an insurrection, and therefore bring the U.S. military down on the Democrats doing the shooting.

    I don’t see how attacking a Federal court house is any different, except for how restrained the Federal response has been so far…

  2. It was obviously self-defense for violating social distancing — and the victim is a conservative, which is justification in itself.

    Duncomb is very fortunate to be alive and walking.

    Not really a good idea to come up behind a jacked-up loon who has read far too many leftist equivalents of those righteous kill letters one finds in some gun magazines, and put your arm around his neck at 2:30 in the morning in downtown Portland. Of course, the jacked-up loon was likely planning to knife the guy from behind, in true Antifa fashion (the best side is the blindside), anyway.

  3. @Supernightshade – While I generally like your comments, you are clearly one of the poor,benighted individuals that have been taught garbage in our school systems (and apparently continue to believe it) about American history. Lincoln intentionally attacked Fort Sumter after the Confederates tried to PEACEFULLY secede from the mutual agreement of creating the United States of America under the Constitution (there was no suicide pact where the southern states were required to bow down to whatever the corrupt northern states demanded in the form of whatever the “federal govt” wanted). States were allowed to secede under their own written agreements that ratified the Constitution. Slavery was wrong, but it wasn’t the real issue being contested in the War of Northern Aggression. The issue of slavery could have been solved peacefully over time as it was in England if the tyrants in DC weren’t dependent on the revenue from the southern states.

    Lincoln tried to resupply a fort that had rightfully been declared territory of the CSA after the CSA peacefully seceded and agreed to allow the northern states to keep much of the revenue and resulting assets (all the assets in the northern / MidEastern US at that time) that the southern states had already paid for through federal taxes (and then some) via excise taxes in return for being left alone.

    Roughly 98% of southerners owned no slaves, yet most of them (like my ancestors) worked like slaves to eek out a subsistence living by farming at the time. My best guess is that my ancestors had no political affiliations at all …… they were simply trying to survive in the hard times that were reality then by farming at a subsistence level and they were “happy” to even have that at the time.

    I’m past tired of seeing my ancestors maligned by political hacks as “evil democrats” during these “modern times” when they were simple people that simply wanted to be left alone to earn a living and raise their families.

    The fact of the matter is that Lincoln willfully attacked the southern states because 75% of the revenue to the federal govt. at that time came from port / excise taxes from the southern ports of Charleston, Savannah, Mobile and New Orleans. Just like now, it was all about money to the rotten, corrupt, vile jerks that constitute the pathetic excuse of a federal govt that we have even now. Lincoln was willing to kill almost 3/4 of a million people to retain power by retaining the revenue that the northern states were taking at the time without providing any real services to the southern states at the tinme ….. it is that simple!

    I’ve posted it before, but these columns by the great Walter Williams should offer you some elucidation on why Lincoln CHOSE to attack the southern states if you care to read and understand them, and accept the truth of the matter.

    Southerners weren’t evil and northerner’s weren’t perfect by a long shot (on either side). Lincoln was a vile, self serving tyrant that directly caused the deaths of some odd 700,000 men on both sides because he needed the revenue provided by the southern states to continue operating the corrupt excuse for a federal govt. that existed then (and that he was in charge of at the time) and continues to this day.

    Despite your ruminations, accurate history proves that Lincoln attacked Ft. Sumter in order to create a literal war that would kill hundreds of thousands of people on both sides, for his own gain, and the gain of the tyrants that were in Washington, DC at the time. He didn’t care how many people died as long as he and his financial backers retained power in DC. That’s the actual truth and no amount of revisionist history will change the facts of the matter.

  4. You got it Bubba, I’ve been screaming the same thing including on this site. The north was abusive with taxation of the south while getting little in return.

    People are citing Revisionist history and they’re doing so to attack the south to this day.

  5. Fuck the Confederacy. You bitches lost. You bitches wern’t happy with just owning slaves. You bitches wanted to come north and steal back what you considered your property in the form of runaway slaves.

    That’s what started the civil wah. You bitches wanted slaves and shot up federal property.

    Any other interpretation is a bitch interpretation from the dindu nuttin mentality.

    Now go ahead and start another wah. See how that goes. Bitches.

  6. Hahahahah!

    Rick, wipe your nose. Go play me Dixie on spoons I might tip you a yankee quarter.

    It’s still Sane Americans 1, crazy rebel inbred pudwhackers-0. HISTORY son. Learn some.

    Just remember it took 4 years
    and 11 million men {with a 3 to 1 supply line advantage} to defeat 5 million men.
    Only 9% of Americans ever owned slaves.
    The Union soldiers ravished the civilian population.Took their horses,pigs,chickens,crops,silver and jewelery.Then after the war the south endured the “reconstruction period”.Northern scum criminals called carpet baggers & scallywags terrorized the civilian population…
    I spent 25 years living on James Island,SC 1 mile south of Ft.Sumter.

  8. More proof that not all Peaceful Protesters are Peaceful Protesters. Lots of these Peaceful Protesters are the lowest dregs of society. Bums and Losers. None of them should be allowed inside that Federal Courthouse unless they are under arrest and being arraigned inside the building they tried to burn down.

  9. Officer Gauvin used mostly proper policing procedures and he was saving lives by his actions.

    And any libtards that don’t like to hear that can suck my dick.

  10. …the South was within its rights to secede, true.

    I would also be within MY rights to make a left turn on a green light even if I see a semi barreling towards his red light with no ability to stop.

    Which would not change the fact I would be righteously dead.

    By your own numbers, @RADIOATIONMAN, the South wasn’t going to win. They had considerable power in the House and Senate as part of the US, though, and could have far better worked the system to their advantage from within than without, had they also moved to end slavery.

    Slavery was not going to make it into the 20th century White world no matter what. All Europe had abandoned it, and geographically it was not going to work as expansion continued West. It was a very, very inefficient labor system in any case, and automation would eliminate it economically in the rapidly industrializing Western world economically, even without a war. Repatriation may have even been possible wthin the framework of the Union, racist though that would have been.

    But what WASN’T going to happen was a Southern shooting war win without European allies, which became impossible after the Emancipation Proclamation officially made it about slavery.

    Which it – technically – WASN’T to that point.

    You also correctly cite that only a very small percentage of Southerners actually owned slaves. Perhaps the energies of the other 91% could have been better spent in persuading THEM to abandon a dying institution that didn’t benefit the vast majority of Sothernors anyway and THEN fought illegal tarrifs from within OR separated and became their own Nation WITH European allies because the slave issue was no more.

    Either of these would have had a better chance of success.

    But even though the South HAD legally separated from the North, the North was STILL a potent military power with military personnel in military bases throughout it. As soon as it became a sovereign nation (and the CSA weren’t really all that unified) it needed to conclude treaties with the United States concerning those occupied military installations, backed by either international pressure or by credible military force, neither of which they had.

    As soon as a military base had been fired upon, even were it by a sovereign nation, Lincols had no choice but to respond with war. True then, true now.

    …and logostically, the South had no chance. They mostly lacked the abilty to make their own weapons, didn’t have the transport network the North had, and wasn’t going to be able to sustain itself eating cotton and patriotism. They would have had a chance if they stayed in the union and planned to end slavery, or had they allied with England and planned to end slavery.

    But it was NOT going to work WITH slavery. Slavery only made the end a foregone conclusion.

    …I’m not making judgements on right and wrong here, on war guilt, on war crime level tactics, Constitutional law, or anything else.

    I’m only stating the cold fact that the South had no path to success as a slave nation, and everyone involved KNEW it.

    But – and here’s the REALLY important thing – we should NOT let it divide US, HERE AND NOW.

    …you know how we HATE when BLM, Democrats, or the Reparations crowd throws 170 year old crap in our faces to divide us?

    This is NO different. We need to NOT fight among OURSELVES over a long-ended institution, or satan’s minions on the Left become the victors, and rule the ruins.

    And THEY, led by vengeance, guided by Communist China, and schooled by their Muslim allies, will be FAR worse slavers than ANY the South EVER produced.

    And WE, you and I, will be their chattel.

    All because we divided over a war over a century and a half ago.

    I won’t post on this again, whether attacked or not, in the interest of unity. Rage would be better spent directed at our CURRENT enemies, not the long-dead ones of our great, great, great grandfathers. Let all who oppose the REAL enemy, Soros, stand together despite our differences, or we shall SURELY be cut down separately.

    “We are all friends here. Or should be; for the laughter of Mordor will be our only reward, if we quarrel.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Two Towers”

    …let us not give Soros, our Sauron, reason to laugh over our division, the War of your ancestors is long over and no purpose will be served refighting it HERE except the foul purposes of Democrats TODAY…

    God bless us.




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