Conservatives Erupt over Betsy DeVos Announcement: ‘Common Core Is Dead’ – IOTW Report

Conservatives Erupt over Betsy DeVos Announcement: ‘Common Core Is Dead’

Breitbart: U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos continues to struggle with the conservative base of the GOP as she again declares, “Common Core is dead.”

“I agree – and have always agreed – with President Trump on this: ‘Common Core is a disaster,’” DeVos allied herself with Trump last week during a major policy speech at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). “And at the U.S. Department of Education, Common Core is dead.”

The secretary’s statement led Alex Newman of the Freedom Project to write:

Despite blasting federal overreach in education and making other statements sure to delight conservatives and constitutionalists, U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos continued to mislead Americans on Common Core last week. Indeed, despite the dumbed-down national standards still being in place in almost every state, DeVos falsely claimed that Common Core was “dead” at the Department of Education.

In yet another address that at least superficially put forward sound statements reflecting the Constitution’s lack of mention of any federal role in education, DeVos has again failed to convince the base of her party that she actually believes this fact. read more

10 Comments on Conservatives Erupt over Betsy DeVos Announcement: ‘Common Core Is Dead’

  1. I agree that Common Core is not dead. It may no longer be required by the Federal Government, but it’s too late. Most of the states have adopted much of the CC goals. As the states struggled to meet the standards of CC, they accepted the premise of CC but tweaked it to fit their own goals. It will not change until Conservatives take back their State DOE and institute common sense education goals and standards.

  2. 🔴 Common Core is another 5 year scam 🔴

    Every 5 years or so, the states / federal gov’ts roll out a new fandangled program pretending to save education. What it really is:

    ⚫ Money for donors who design the curriculum
    ⚫ Donors kick-back money into re-election funds
    ⚫ Kids get even stupider than they are already
    ⚫ More money is thrown at the problem
    ⚫ More teachers are hired to fix the self-inflicted wound
    ⚫ It becomes a campaign issue to fix what they broke
    ⚫ Eventually it becomes a toxic liability to all those who support it
    ⚫ Publishing companies roll out a new “fix”
    ⚫ Repeat

    States should experiment with education, and share the results with each other. The federal government is such a liability, no one should take it seriously.

  3. Our little school system failed
    after the bloated admin blew all
    the money and the colored chillins’
    got more dumber.Texas City school district
    took over.I paid 800 a year for 24 years now
    for demorat over paid teachers to dumb ’em down.

  4. We have taken our kids out of common core testing every single year. We have been told their grades and class placement would not be affected by opting out of the testing.

    We found out this year that next year our incoming HS freshman will be placed for AP depending on their common core testing results. Of course we made a stink about it and they “assured” us that if the CC testing is incomplete or missing the students would be placed according to the other 2 state tests they take and their previous grades.

    I don’t believe them for a second. HS is already shaping up to be a real fun time for my kid, 8 months before he has his first class.

  5. I wonder what those folks who criticize DeVos suggest she should do.
    The big unconstitutional “sin” of CC was Obama’s getting the Federal government involved with States’ education responsibilities.

    Question for those who know about DoEd regs better: can DoEd “ban/prohibit” use of CC in States (I’d imagine that would merely instigate lawsuits)?

  6. The insidious nature of CC is the attempt to control student’s thinking. In the Language Arts, History, Social Studies and Science subjects, they are pushing the leftist view of reality. With CC, tests are now using articles the students read to then answer questions about the articles.

    Those articles push the Global Warming, Evil Early American, and Socialist/SJW attitudes. I’m sure they just reinforce what they have been taught during daily school lessons, but there are students who know what they are reading is trash. Many essays I have read are from students that express their disbelief of the “truth” these articles espouse. I enjoyed these essays because they proved that not all students have been brainwashed.

  7. I got an email from the NEA (don’t have a clue how I got on their mailing list) and they had a link to send Betsy a report card and tell her how bad a job she’s doing. I gave her straight “A”s and commended her for killing the commie common core. Let’s see if they read my comment and then remove me from their list.

  8. The Federal Department of Education is one of the government agencies that could be killed in its’ entirety. The States are the ones that should be responsible for their own education system not the Feds. If the state deems there needs be a common test administered at graduation for both primary and secondary schools (and there ought to be) then they should design it and the schools administer it. Each state can create a small department that reviews other states pass out tests to see how their own measure up and make improvements. If the state does a shoddy job in overseeing, developing and enhancing education you can be sure parents would be the first in line with the requisite tar and feathers.

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