Contest: Hillary’s Daily Devotionals – IOTW Report

Contest: Hillary’s Daily Devotionals

A publisher is releasing 365 daily devotionals which provided Hillary with support during her presidential campaign.

Bill Clinton says he doesn’t email, yet, Hillary wrote this-

“During the campaign, the emails from Bill were the first I opened each morning. They gave me strength,” Clinton said in a statement released by Abingdon.

Do these crunts and crenises ever stop lying?

Here’s a “Hillary devotional” written by MJA.

“Stand by your man, especially on his coattails.”

We’re not requiring the devotionals be religious. More like the “empowering” crapola that is passed around Faceook. Okay, go.

ht/ Sadie

Top 5 devotionals will receive our praise and admiration for being so clever and will be posted in a separate post. The top submission will be memed by me with your credit.

MJA is the judge.


184 Comments on Contest: Hillary’s Daily Devotionals

  1. Hmmm, Does sacrificing a puppy as you stand naked chugging a quart of gin for breakfast while Podesta, Bill, Soros and Huma form a circle around you chanting “You’re Good Enough, You’re Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like You!*” count?
    *Apologies to Stuart Smalley

  2. “To all the little girls, never doubt that you are valuable and deserving of every opportunity to pursue and achieve your own dreams, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.”

  3. “Often the difference between a wealthy person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage to bet on one’s moral corruption and ideas of theft, to take a calculated risk – and make the big bucks.”

  4. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner evil bitch voice. And most important, don’t hesitate to lie, cheat and steal. To succeed is paramount, Everything else is secondary.”

  5. “During the campaign, the emails from Bill were the first I opened each morning. They gave me strength,” Clinton said in a statement released by Abingdon.

    She’s talking about Bill Cosby, right?

  6. Before a man judges me, he should walk a mile and find my shoe, and be thrown into a van like a side of beef, all while wearing my googly-eyes glasses and constantly harking loogies.

  7. I am INVINCIBLE. Trump can’t possibly win.
    I am INVINCIBLE. Trump can’t possibly win.
    I am INVINCIBLE. Trump can’t possibly win.
    I am INVINCIBLE. Trump can’t possibly win.
    I am INVINCIBLE. Trump can’t possibly win.

  8. Mrs. Clinton stands solemnly at the pulpit, eyes closed, hands clasped in prayer. With a beatific smile her eyes open as she closes the book and the eldrich vapors rise around her. She addresses the masses…

    “P’flgreh’ oh Cleth, oh Bali-Hurt’n, oh Hub’l, fleh’crinoth…”

  9. and then there’s this classic, which is toadly off topic…

    baby face….i’d like to punch your little baby face
    i’d like to scrunch your little baby face
    baby face up to the facts
    i’d like to give you forty whacks
    your little baby face
    is just the kind of face that really drives me mad
    so if you want me to
    i’ll put my fist right through
    your stupid little baby face….

  10. no, actually, i think it’s time to play the tranny card…..

    introducing!….. Hill-I-Am RodMan Clinton…….if you don’t show overwhelming support, you are every kind of bigot and phobe, so there……..

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