Contest: Leftist Songs – IOTW Report

Contest: Leftist Songs

A little Saturday Night Fun. It’s been depressing the last 2 days. I mean no disrespect by the timing of this jocularity. We are in the trenches constantly, and I feel the need to ease the tension.

Here’s the idea – Rearrange the letters of one word in a song, or a song lyric, in order to make it about a leftist.

You may ALSO replace one letter in a song, or a song lyric, in order to make it about a leftist.

Example 1:

Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash becomes Folsom Prison Lubes by Barack Obama. (The letters of the word blues have been rearranged, not replaced.)

Example 2:

Shattered by The Rolling Stones becomes Shittered by Al Roker. (One letter, the a, has been replaced by the i.)

We are down to our last Keith Sullivan Memorial whistle (courtesy of Menderman, who included all envelopes and stamps.)

The winner of this contest will receive that whistle.

Contest ends 3PM Sunday afternoon ET.

I will judge.



209 Comments on Contest: Leftist Songs

  1. This is a hard one. As Curly says, ‘I’m tryin’ to think and nothin’s happening’.

    Ram Up Jelly Tight (Tommy Roe)

    Hookin’ Out My Back Door

    Assign a leftist to the new song. – bfh

  2. Actually this is hard because lots of songs don’t need new titles but new attribution like Steve Miller’s Take the Money and Run.

    But here goes

    A Day in the Lie – Hillary Clinton
    Here Comes the Sin – Bill Clinton
    Jumping Jack Flesh – Bill Clinton.

    Sensing a pattern yet?

    Breakfast ON America – Barack Obama.

  3. Ram Up Jelly Tight (Tommy Roe) – Obozo

    Hookin’ Out My Back Door – Kim Kardashian

    Make Me Slime – Huma, Pillosy, Debbie Waterman Shitz

    Anarchy in the US – Soros, Obozo, Killary

    Strange Gays (People Are Strange) – Obozo

  4. Smell Like Ten Spirits — Killery

    (Jack Daniels, Old Crow, Wild Turkey, Crown Royal, Schmirnoff, Tanqueray, Stolichnaya, Jose Cuervo, Black Velvet, Southern Comfort)

  5. November Pain — The Obama regime

    (November Rain — Guns ‘n Roses)

    Bonus: Welcome to the Juggle — #NT A$$hats
    (Welcome to the Jungle — G ‘n R)

  6. Wait on the Lard – Michael Moore or Mooch

    Hail to the Thief – Obongo, Slick Willie, any and all D presidents

    Yankee Poodle – Little Debbie Ramenhead

  7. You guys are too good. lol! I need another letter, at least, to make mine work.

    You Ain’t Nothing But A Round Hog – Huma’s love song about Hillary

    (so I’ll have to be cheating and disqualified)

  8. (I don’t know if this qualifies for the contest, because it really doesn’t need any change, at all, to give me that “Creepy, Uneasy Feelin'”)

    “I’m Going Home” – A duet between Barack Obama (lead) and Hillary Clinton (chorus), from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”

  9. Where have all the real soldiers gone, long time passing?
    Where have all the real soldiers gone?
    Purged by the Pentagon!
    When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?

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