‘I’ll be back!’: Defeated candidate Clinton considers launching liberal television show to lay the groundwork for ANOTHER White House run.

- Hillary Clinton is reportedly considering the launch of a TV show to keep herself in the news
- The move would position her for a 2020 presidential run, according to an insider
- She recently offered a toast to friends gathered at her Washington home, affecting an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent and promising: ‘I’ll be back’
- Clinton doesn’t think Barack Obama will fight enough for liberal priorities, ‘which leaves an opening for her to be the acknowledged leader-in-exile of her party’
Read the story HERE, then come back and give us your show titles.
You have until 11:59 pm, Friday .
Our friend, Dianny, from Patriot Retort is judging.
The only way people will watch a show like that is if Hillary uses Humma as a straight man and has a band full of lesbians.
Over the Hill
“The Nasty Woman Show”
My GREAT GRANDmother, The Car
The Poo
I Win, You Lose.
Woof! Woof! Woof!
“If Barbara Stanwyck had an EVIL TWIN”….
Grab My _____!
The Fugitive
The Harpy Show!
Let’s Make a Corrupt Deal
For The Love Of Money
To Hill and Back
I Scare Stephen King
Third Time’s The Charm!
Name That Loon
Hillary- Live from Cell Block H!
The Man Who Screwed Too Much (sorry, that one’s about Bill)
So, now they think Trump won because of “The Apprentice”?
They are grasping for anything but the truth….
How about “To Old To Care”?
The Twilight Bone (sorry ….. that one is about Bill too)
The Bitch Valley
loony tunes
Show titles?
What Else is On?
Hillary Clinton Fully Exposed!
I Hope You’re Not Eating Now
There’s Only Two Things That Smell Like Fish
breaking hips badly
The Twilight Zone
Most Frequent Loser
The Biggest Loser
My 600 Pound Wife
Legal Jeopardy
twilight zone
The Tremor & Whiskey Hour
Three Time Loser
The Biggest Damn Loser, Period!
The Running Dead
How I Betrayed Your Country
Old Bag Theory
This Old House Arrest
Leave It To Huma’s Beaver (yuck)
This Old Hag
Smarmy Wives
Lost: The Hillary Files
Arkansas Five-0
Murder She Wrought
Petty Little Liars
Major Crimes
Unlawful & Disorder
Name That Hack
The UnAmericans
Never 45
Benito is on fire tonight.
I just figured that one out. LOL
All My Felonies
The Past And The Spurious
Angry beaver
This Old Spouse (h/t sapper chris)
House of Cons
@Illustr8r for the win!
I quit. 🙂
@Bubba’s Brother- I like yours better!
Pussy Deplorable
(In 2020 it would be) Cold case
No Truth & No Consequences
What’s My Lie?
The Bitch is Back!
Fish Fingers?
What’s My Lie?
It’s Hillary Clinton’s
Love Sammich Show!
Starring Hillary and Huma Clinton as the White Bread Sisters and Moochelle Obama as the
Rich Chocolate Fillin’ in the Middle!
(Cue the applause sign)
Never To Tell The Truth
Truth For Consequences
Shake and Cough
@LoBlo ~ LMAO … same post, same time
The price is right.
The FBI Files
Periscope Down
Crime and No Punishment
“Fishing Line,” with Hillary R. Clinton.
“A public affairs show featuring influential public figures in the United States.”
Mrs. Clinton will fireside chat with such notables as Ashley Judd, Michael Moore, Madonna, Reverend Al Sharpton, activist Donna Hylton and many, many more “about ideas and issues of the day.”
(Sorta like Firing Line with W.F.B.)
My Mother the Car
(Chelsea’s accompanying show)
Jinks! 🙂
The Out of Power Hour
Bitch with a Twitch
The Creature Feature
Antique Toad Show
Freaks and (more) Freaks
The Real Biggest Loser
No Waze Tiired
Don’t leave it to that Beaver
Squid Pro Quo
Oops, sorry Bubba-Looks like we are sharing brain power tonight!
N.C.I.S. Washington
(Not Commander In Chief)
The $64,000 pyramid scheme
The Flying Nun-Air force One
Desperate Housewives
The Lying Nun
Bernie Notice
The Chappaqunt
Arkanacide 50
The Bitch Is Back
The Shrew
Tales from the crypt. aka the view
BlackBerry RFD
The Sandwich Makers
The Six-Million Dollar Manicure
The Shrill Harpy from Hell Entertainment Half Hour, brought to you by Sig Sauer Firearms.
Project Pantsuit
The Cruntsters
Ye Old Influence Shoppe
Petty Cunt Junction
This Old Hag
Married…with Manchild
Loco’s on Fire!
The Life and Times of Grizzly Madams
The X-Yoga Files
Bilbo Baggage
The Cunt Whisperer
Liberal Pap, and the Smear
The “Where’s my goddamn grenade launcher” show
Wow! Talk about thowin chum into the water!
I’ve Got a Secret
The twist to N.C.I.S. was supposed to be
The Howdy DoIt Show
I’m 77, Sonny, Now Strip
How’d You Get So Rich?
Have Blackberry
Will Travel
Wire Pal o’ None
Crazy Bernie and Dirty Hildo
The Hag From U.N.C.L.E. S.A.M.
The Web Hubbell Theory
Saturday Night Dead
It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad World.
The Brock List
The Vince Foster Theory
Huma’s Heroes
The Newly-Dead Game
Cow Cheese
Harpy Days
American Idle
Queen For A Gay
Tripping With The Stairs
The Yecchs Factor
The Ex Files
Hiliary Street Blues
The Haze of Our Lives
Saved By The Hubbell
The Game of Prone’s.
Oh, my bad….that would be Bills show…
Good Crimes
What Difference Does It Make
The Golden Shower Girls
Full Spouse
Says Me Street
Leave, American Style
Room 232…Electoral Votes
there is a Dick Van Dyke Show spin somewhere, but I just can’t think of a good one. A little help please?
Dyke Van Lick Show?
The Shady Bunch
Hooligan’s Island
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬…Just sit right back and hear a tale, a tale of a greedy bitch..♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
It’s a Sad,Sad, Sad World
Frumpy The Empire Slayer
The Crooked Dick and Dyke Show
Murder, She Ordered
Heartless to Heartless
Beauty and the Hildabeast
Unhappy Days
The Shady Grifter Show
Family Lies
Mission: Improbable
Huma’s Heroes
Bad Penny
The Putrefaction Family
Is it just me or do her eyes get crazier every week???
XX Men
Sorry, XX men should be Caitlyn Jenner’s show.
BJ and the Bitch
I’m posting to fast…..
The Biggest Loser… Evah!
Laughed At
Who’s Fault Is It Anyway?
Hill’s Queef Blues
Election Impossible
Trump, Your Consequences
Lezzie Go Home
The Witches of Arkansas
Arkansas 911
Weekend at Podestas
Mad hacks
Unloved American Style
Not Necessarily The Fake News
Willie’s Python And The Flying Monkey Circus
The Patronage Family
Hindsight’s 20/20
(for manderman a blast from the past ) the big van Dyke show referring to her early campaign.
“The Spew” with Ma Clinton
The VaJay Fart. Live.
Rocky and Bulldykell
The Antique Ho Show
All My Illegitimate Children
Dykes of Hazard
Hillary Dreadful
Person of No Interest
Meet the Depressed
Devil in the white House
Extreme Makeover – still ugly.
Ragging Bull Dyke
All about Hillary
The Gays Of Our Wives.
Hag Numb P.I.
Pithy Coot Junction
Hill Streep Blues.
“Killary’s Follies”
(Camera zooms in on Killary’s melting face with fly on it)
Killary: Today on “Killary’s Follies,” we’re going back to my blooper reel and revisit some of my most embarrassing moments. Like the time I threw a lamp at Bill in The White House when I found out he shot a jizz missle all over Monica’s blue dress (staged reenactment of lamp throwing)!
And who can forget my biggest boobie of a blooper? BENGHAAAAAAZI! I was going to run the Benghazi blooper reel of Ambassador Stevens getting dragged around dead but hey. At this point, what difference does it make? (Grabs for bottle of Jack Daniels’s and chugs it like Blutarski from “Animal House.”)
See you after the break. (Violently convulses as camera pans away to studio audience who are all hopelessly bawling just like they did on election night. Fade to black.)
Pantsuits on fire
Fatal Attraction
Route 666
Sloshed In Space.
The Dyke’s A Hazard.
The Ovary Hill Billies.
Tonight on:
Drunk All Night with Hillary Clinton!
– Music by DJ Bubba!
– We play: What medication am I on?
– Golfing tips from former president Obama!
Cooking The Books with Hillary Clinton!
Episode #3093: Secret favors to enhance your bank account!
Episode # 3098: How to bake a cankle
Hillary and the Pussyhats
Hillary Street Blues
The Woman in the Gray flannel pantsuit
The Woman in the High Thistle.
When A Huma is not enough.
The woman in the thigh castle.
Show Me Da Money
Let’s Make A Deal
This Is Your Life
-hosted by Bill
–!st Show we answer the question: Why don’t they like her.
Plight Of The Living Dead
420 Choices
Pace: 1999
Judge Jew D NY
To Server Man
(It’s a cookbook!)
Rash Lumbar
(Radio talk show)
The Lied Sniper of Harlem
Welcome Black, Voter
Bedtime For Bill’s-O
What’s My Lie ?
I’ve Got a Secret Server.
Let’s Make a Backroom Deal.
What’s My Price?
Sellout of the Century.
Orange Pantsuit Is the New Black
Last Woman Falling
Drivin’ Miss Crazy
“The Real Housewives of Chappaqua”
All In The Crime Family
Hill Street Lose
‘Black-ish Pandering
Days Of Our Black Lives Matter
Old Lesbians Die Slowly
Hill Delete Blues
The Hill Has Lies
“Almost Queen- for a day”
Meet The De-Press-ed
Crappy Days
Hillary Clinton’s Lying Circus
It takes a thief
I can has White House
Hillary Potter and the White House of democracies doom
Two humas for sister Hillary
A fist full of humas
The good the bad and the Hillary
Dirty Hillary
Hey Barry, BFD
I’ve Got A Secret
We came, We saw…We WON!
annie Go Trump
Don’t Cry For Me, Argen….I Mean America!
The Grifters. Oh, wait…that one’s already taken.
Liar, Liar. Whoops! That one’s been used before as well.
Housewives of the CDC
(Off, anonymous sock!)
Eff Trump
“My Wasted Life”
Pee-on Americans.
“Coattails & Cocktails”
Soul Drain
What’s My Lyin’
Grand Mal Hotel
Truth or No Consequences
The Two Faces of Hillary
Confession Impossible
Deplorable Me
Voyage to the Bottom of D.C.
The real liars club
Zombie victims of HRC contacts, to tell the truth in interviews with her, as she rots and decays with each truth told.
Truth or Incontinence
Rugmuncher Rats
Unsecured Password
All In The Family Foundation
77 Sunset Bitch
The Rockford Deleted Files
My Three Buns
WKRPLGBTQXYZ in Cincinnati
The Late Ho
BlumenthALL My Children
Threesomes Company
Crooked Madam Secretary
Bar 54 where are you?
Shat Patrol
Burgle that turd.
Padded Room 222
She Haw
Howdy Shooty
For a Few Dollars More
Voyage to the Bottom of the Swamp
From whom the smell rolls
12:00 O’clock and High
The Daily Nod
@Poor Lazlo
From Huma the Smell Rolls 😉
Lost In My Safe Space
60 Lies In 60 Minutes
Mz. Belvaqueer
The Prairie Huma Companion Dog
Air America. No, wait…Current TV.
The Unfresh Slit of Failed Heir
MasterQueef Theater
The Tonight Ho
Soulless Train
Dickless Barf’s UnAmerican Grandstand
Hey Hey Hey… It’s FAT Albatross
what’s my crimes
Thanks for playin’, shugs!
Contest is now closed.
My Left Eye
“Look! It’s Me, Hillary!”
“Monkey see; Monkey do!”
izlamo delenda est …
Coming up on “Hillary!”
“How to remove those pesky emails once and for all!”
so……when are we getting the winners?