Obama Era WH Visitor Logs – updated – IOTW Report

Obama Era WH Visitor Logs – updated



72 Comments on Obama Era WH Visitor Logs – updated

  1. I was just stuck on the phone for a few minutes, picked up a book of ‘Selected Bill Clinton quotations 2016’ – because we have that in the office. I skimmed his eulogy of Sandy Berger. Clinton said “I owe Sandy probably more than anyone alive” – no shit Bill, he literally stole records implicating you from the National Archives, walked out with them jammed down his pants, and destroyed them.

  2. Rev Al Sharpton-vis BO- Negro dialect lessons.
    Jack Links- vis MO- family portrait
    Elizabeth Warren -vis BO-smokum choom pipe
    Maxine Watters -vis ??- unintelligible response
    John Boehner-vis BO- knee pad durability summit

  3. Costco – 50 lbs. of french fries, 5 lb. tub of butter, 5 lb. bucket of ketchup, 50 lbs. of onion rings, ten cases of bacon, 50 lbs. of pancake mix, 5 lb. bucket of mole sauce, 5 cases of taquitos, 5 cases of Don Miguel burritos, 5 cases of Digiornio pizza, ten 5 gallon buckets of ice cream, 5 gallon bucket of chocolate syrup.

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