Contest Results – IOTW Report

Contest Results

We are giving away a Keith Sullivan Memorial Safety Whistle (courtesy of Menderman.) The contest was to rearrange the letters in one word of a movie title or tv show and create a short synopsis.

Here are all the finalists. The winner (which is among these finalists) will be announced later in the form of a Movie Poster.

Hanes – cowboy flick where a stranger rides into the ranch only wearing tighty whities, befriends a young lad and then the dog dies at the end…  – willysgoatgruff

S*H*A*M*  a show about Obama’s new transgender military. – Chalupa

Alternate synposis: A politics-as-usual story of a scamp named Hilarity lying her way almost to the top when her whole house of cards falls right before election day! Spoiler Alert! She’s honored by the Republicans (OH MY!) by having the prison she’s sent to re-named after her. And she likes it! Happy ending rating: 8.5 ( -1.2 points for her being alive at the end of the movie) Dadof4

-Planet of the Peas – Astronauts on a mission go off course and crash on a planet where giant spherical vegetables rule the planet and have enslaved humans. – Sinewavell

I Tax – Louie leaves the Sunshine Cab Co. and brings his same vindictive spirit to his new job at the IRS. – Chalupa

Pot Gun – Tom Cruise stars as an obsessive/compulsive narcotics squad detective who goes murderously berserk whenever he smells burning marijuana…or, tragically for his family, overcooked lasagna. – Uncle Al

Eyes Wide Tush – A Secret Service agent commits suicide after years of walking behind the First Lady. – LocoBlancoSaltine

-Happy Syad – Al converts to Islam and blows up Arnold’s on the busiest night of the year. – Chalupa

Reservoir Gods – A Michael Moore documentary about the brave men and women who fight Global Warming to insure a plentiful water supply for the nation’s golf courses. – Diogenes

-Stew World – A Yul Brynner look-alike robotic short order cook has a macabre programming failure when he solves his raw ingredient supply problem by falling back on his high-level directive “to serve the customers.” -Uncle Al

Close Encounters of the Third Dink -Porno film starring Anthony Weiner – Mickey Moussaoui

Dr. Least Govern – the story of Ron Paul and the Libertarian movement. – Vietvet

Scarf Ace  – Story about an effete sales guy in the Men’s Wear department who specializes in ties, belts, hats and other accoutrements required by any daring and dashing dude. -All Too Much

-The Corky Horror Picture Show – Mr and Mrs Corky’s car breaks down in the dead of night. They make their way to a White House where there is a halloween ball in progress. The pResident is Frank N. Furter, an apparent mad man who actually is an alien transvestite who creates a living muscle man named Michelle in his laboratory. The mad man screws everyone, and eventually citizens of the surrounding area discover the treachery and destroy him. –Charlie WalksonWater

Wyatt Rape -An aging cowboy emigrates from Syria and discovers pert twelve year-olds in the Wild West. – LocoBlancoSaltine

– My Own Private Ho, Ida- Street walker finds a rich man, played by Richard Gere, and lives happily ever after. – LocoBlancoSaltine

Meals- Dr. Martin Luther King eats his way from Selma to Montgomery seeking equal rights at the lunch counter – Eugenia

-Finding Omen- Two clownfish go on an epic search for their son, unaware that he is, in fact, the spawn of the AntiChrist – CallmeLennie

-Meth! – Giant ants run an underground meth lab in the desert. -Eugenia

Libby the Dik – Young boy is orphaned when Mexican illegals shoot down his parents near the Rio Grand. Blames the NRA and goes on rampage to have all legal gun owners disarmed. -Snowball The Sourpuss

-Search There (The Searchers) – A game show with a creepy old man who holds prizes in his pockets for the kids to explore. – Frosteetoes

-Mike’s Ho Toilet- (Some Like it Hot)- Follow the madcap adventures of Mike, as he provides mobile bathroom facilities to a group of prostitutes. -Ten-Ten

-Straight Outta Lynbrook- Jewish Princess from suburban Long Island has a big culture clash when she unknowingly sublets an apartment that is in a public housing complex in the gritty Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn. – Greetings From Yonkers

Casa Banal – Rick opens up a boring, dreary nightclub on the outskirts of Newark and is over run by democrats. He falls in love with a club-footed librarian who leaves him after corrective surgery. Rick is last seen boarding a flight to Omaha with his Corgi. -sig94

-12 Years A Salve – Ignored and ridiculed on the shelf for over a decade, a jar of ointment finally finds love and acceptance when its owner gets a boil. -sig94

Not Pat – A highly decorated Four-star General resigns in disgust and protest to the president’s evil desire to decimate the US military by allowing the mentally ill transgenders to serve as if nothing is wrong with them. – LocoBlancoSaltine

-Where Eagles Read- A band of commandos raid a Nazi base to save an unknown british VIP only to discover it is Dr. Dolittle. -Jethro

-Me Kong US – Long after Marshall Dillon and Miss Kitty’s departure a large Vietnamese community forms in Dodge City.  -PHenry

-Shaun of the Dade – Zombies take over Miami Dade voting districts in effort to crown Satan’s mother as their queen.  –sTevo 

-Sad Boot- The animated tale of a lost right RINO boot separated from the leftist boot it admires and emulates. Meanwhile, the boots longsuffering owner who does not have two left feet, wishes the right boot is found and realizes it proper function. –99th Squad Leader

15 Comments on Contest Results

  1. Laughed so hard cardamom tea spurted out my nose. How in the heck do you decide a winner when there are so many great ones?

    Wish I had thought of Shaun of the Dade. I want to see that movie!
    Imagine a drive-in double header of Planet of the Peas and Meth! For those old enough to remember drive-ins.

    Wyatt Rape – was it made in Sweden?

  2. I’ve got one. Nigger Snaps—–About a young thin white girl, who is bitten by a black wino and turns into a fat black woman who steals snacks from the other children.

  3. Well, thank you!

    My movie idea was inspired by a snippy Long Island JAP who was berating a black woman for pushing her on a packed sardine can of an IRT subway car during morning rush. Of course there’s loads of pushing and shoving on the subways during rush hour–nobody would get anywhere without it. Besides, the black woman wasn’t a dindoo nuffin–I could tell by the way she was dressed that she was going to work at an office job. But the princess got really nasty, insulting, and racist in her comments to the black woman.

    I couldn’t take the whining. I pulled a bill from my wallet, proffered it to her royal highness, and said, “Bitch, here’s a twenty. Please go upstairs and hail a hack before somebody–like me–knifes your spoiled suburban ass.”

    The entire subway car erupted in cheers.

  4. That was a fun one!! Some stiff competition as A. Weiner would say. Even Barney Frank is waiting with masterfully bated breath for the outcome. Thanks joe6pack – it certainly ain’t no cake walk winning stuff here nowadays. Always an honor when Fur alternates your synapses.

  5. Now that the contest is over and no one can be offended by it (I hope), I’d like to point out that Libby the Dik (more than one word rearranged), Scarf Ace (no words rearranged), Search There (letter “s” dropped), Mike’s Ho Toilet (all words rearranged), and Casa Banal (letter “c” dropped) do not qualify, according to the rules.

    Just sayin’.


  6. Why do we pick on Michelle Obama’s weight anyway.

    Especially when we have an AG who has calves so huge they cause white rhino bulls to snort in alarm

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