Controversial Law Permits Gun Ownership by People Banned by Facebook – IOTW Report

Controversial Law Permits Gun Ownership by People Banned by Facebook


9 Comments on Controversial Law Permits Gun Ownership by People Banned by Facebook

  1. I’d go even farther; you shouldn’t own a gun UNLESS you have been banned from Facebook, or never bothered signing up in the first place.

    I doubt there are very many gun owners that are on Facebook at all, since they clearly respect civil liberties and anyone defending our Constitutionally protected rights on Facebook is sure to get banned for his efforts.

  2. I am a gun owner (once upon a time, all lost overboard in a deep lake boating accident), and I am on FecesBook. But only for the family connections. You should see the pictures of my garden!

  3. I am on FB because it lets me easily keep in touch with many people but I generally don’t get political there.

    I am on Twitter because it is an easy way to keep on top of things. I am not a big enough fish for Jack to fry, although I may be shadow banned and not know it. If I get banned I would consider it a complement.

    I was banned by LGF, but what conservative who was reading blogs fifteen years ago has not been banned by LGF?

  4. Radio: if you ever miss it, just take a random picture of some bicycle spokes and mutter “splodeydopes” to yourself.

    When that guy set himself on fire on the WH lawn, I couldn’t help but think of Charles Johnson.

    Back to Facebook, you do not have to maintain an account with them. They are tracking you if you don’t have an account. They keep shadow profiles of what you do when not on Facebook.

  5. Two days left on my 30 day maximum security FB punishment,

    I think I’ll buy ANOTHER death stick to celebrate my release and subsequent serial conviction and punishment.

    Thanks FB, I was starting to run out of new reasons to convince the wife we needed a new gun!

    MSG Grumpy


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