Convicted Terrorist Rasmea Odeh Will Leave U.S. Under Guilty Plea Deal – IOTW Report

Convicted Terrorist Rasmea Odeh Will Leave U.S. Under Guilty Plea Deal



WASHINGTON, D.C.– Convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh, who was implicated in a terrorist attack in which two Israelis murdered and was later accused of lying about her security background on her immigration papers to the United States, has accepted a guilty plea deal with federal prosecutors to leave the U.S. while avoiding prison time.

Odeh, who lives in Chicago, was also one of the lead organizers of the Day Without Women March and protest targeting President Donald Trump. Odeh has lived in the U.S. for approximately 20 years allegedly under false pretenses.

According to the Justice for Rasmea website, Odeh “will plead guilty to Unlawful Procurement of Naturalization” on Saturday. She will also lose her U.S. citizenship and be forced to leave the country and evade an 18-month prison sentence.

But she won’t be deported before she delivers the keynote speech at the Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) conference in Chicago next week. Despite its name, Jewish Voices for Peace is recognized as an anti-Israel organization that engages in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting the Jewish state.


21 Comments on Convicted Terrorist Rasmea Odeh Will Leave U.S. Under Guilty Plea Deal

  1. After 20 long years, they are finally going to deport a murderous Democrat Congresswoman ugly look alike asshole who shouldn’t have been here in the first place!

  2. What will be interesting is that after 20 years in the US, enjoying the rights and freedoms that a citizen of either gender enjoy what will be her feelings be about living in a land where her rights will only be a shadow of what she had, where she’ll be treated as a second class citizen and even in the ranks of terrorists she’ll be looked upon as someone to get the coffee, someone to strap on a suicide vest or to hold a sign but not someone to listen to or heed. After a few years she may start wishing the Israeli’s come looking.

  3. well, where ever she goes may she live out her last days in quiet reflection of how wonderful the US jails were why she tries to scrap a living- and at her speech let her say that-damn, I miss my 3 squares a day and a cot and free food etc…………… bye bye….

  4. obama and jarrett will hide her in their new Iranian paid for mansion in DC from which they run their alternate govt. and just laugh and laugh at the conservative/Christian rubes they can’t wait to mass murder.

  5. She’s uglier than that other Filthy Mohammedan Savage bint, the “journalist” Helen “Sea Hag” Thomas.

    -She’s so ugly she could scare a hungry pitbull off the back of a meat truck
    -She’s so ugly that even Bill Clinton wouldn’t fuck her
    -She’s so ugly she makes Caitlyn “Hybrid” Jenner look good
    -She’s so ugly Yoda borrowed some wrinkles from her
    -She’s so ugly the Israelis were glad to prisoner-swap her the hell out of Israel

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