Convicted Transgender Child Molester, Given Light Sentence by Soros-backed D.A Gascón, Booked for Murder in CA – IOTW Report

Convicted Transgender Child Molester, Given Light Sentence by Soros-backed D.A Gascón, Booked for Murder in CA


Convicted transgender child sex molester James “Hannah” Tubbs, who was given a light juvenile sentence by George Soros-backed Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón, has been booked for murder in Kern County to the north.

Tubbs pleaded guilty to choking and sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in a bathroom stall in 2014, a crime that shocked Los Angeles at the time. Gascón declined to prosecute Tubbs as an adult because the crime took place just before Tubbs’s 18th birthday. The juvenile sentence meant Tubbs would not have to register as a sex offender. One of Gascón’s criminal justice “reforms” was to stop prosecuting juvenile offenders as adults — a policy he revised somewhat after the Tubbs case.

Separately, Bill Melugin of Fox News reported Tuesday that Tubbs was charged with murder, linked to a 2019 robbery: more here

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