Convoy honking is code for Nazism- (H)onk (H)onk means Heil Hitler- says “expert” on right-wingers – IOTW Report

Convoy honking is code for Nazism- (H)onk (H)onk means Heil Hitler- says “expert” on right-wingers

Andy Ngo-

Philadelphia Antifa member claims Freedom Convoy honking is a ‘Nazi dog whistle’

Philadelphia Antifa member Gwen Snyder, who is also a fat rights activist, says the honking at the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” protests is a Nazi, fascist dog whistle.

“Honk Honk = HH = Heil Hitler,” she proclaimed in a tweet last week. “It’s a very loud Nazi dog whistle.” Snyder was educated at the elite Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania and now asks for money as a self-proclaimed expert on the far-right.

After I tweeted about Snyder’s allegation about the honking, she wrote a tweet saying she is being viciously targeted and asks for people to report me. Like other far-left activists, being a victim is a common theme throughout her social media career.

54 Comments on Convoy honking is code for Nazism- (H)onk (H)onk means Heil Hitler- says “expert” on right-wingers



    1984 (age 70) – He towed 70 rowboats, one with several guests, from the Queen’s Way Bridge in the Long Beach Harbor to the Queen Mary, 1 mile.


  2. HaHaHa as the radioman spews his Hopadilla
    IPA 6.6% ABV from Karbach brewing Houston
    all over the screen. I thought 15 years ago
    it can’t get any worse…. Every day now!

  3. On the other hand, she does look like an expert on Type II Diabetes, enormous insulin resistance, six bowel movements/day, buying toilet paper in 24-packs and having a closet full of clothes that don’t fit.

  4. You know what else? If you take the number 2 (2nd letter in alphabet, B) and subtract 2 (J is 2 letters past H) you get zero and then add 8, you get the 8th letter in the alphabet, H. Double that you get 16, divide it by 2 you get two 8s (for JB), which is proof the initials HH represent the actual initials of JB, for Joe Biden.

  5. “HONK HONK!” is morse code for “YOU’RE FAT”.

    Every single Canadian trucker is fat shaming this bowling pin from 1000 miles away.

    “HONK HONK!” = “HEFTY HEIFER” in French.

    “HONK HONK!” = “HUNGRY HIPPO” in the Sudan

    “HONK HONK!” = “HALF BAKED” in S.F.

    “HONK HONK!” = “HEAVY HOOR” pretty much everywhere.

    You pear shaped numpty monkey fluffer.

  6. I’m gonna’ go out on a limb here….but… I’m betting this womanatee thinks the ice cream truck song is a mating call.

  7. Well, I don’t know about her credentials as a far right expert, but she seems credible as a fat activist and should probably stick with that line of work.

    Still, one wonders. Should there be a comma in there somewhere? “…fat, activist.” or “..fat activist.”?

    No. I think it should read: “Attention-seeking..”

  8. If we are successful in wrangling control of this nation, we’re going to need a whole lot of insane asylums. We may need to wall off cities.

    They’d do it to us…

  9. Aaaaaaand… as usual… it’s another fat evil white bitch pushing this authoritarian crap. She must be between ghetto boyfriends at the moment, leaving her especially nasty.

  10. Fat, Stupid and Ugly is no way to go through life. No excuses.
    For someone on the left to call anyone a Nazi is rich humor. Leftists want forced vaccinations, forced mask mandates, mandatory loss of freedom if we don’t comply, vaccination papers must be carried and whites are all evil racists. That all equates to NAZI mentality.

  11. I remember reading that the worst part of when the Nazis invaded France, worse than the killing, the arrests and torture, and looting the country of all their paintings and gold, was when the SS and the Wehrmacht drove through town honking their horns. The French accepted all of it but the horn honking was just too much. That’s why the French resistance was created, to sabotage the horns to prevent the Nazi dog whistle honking.

  12. .a history lesson & admonition for woke-twats:
    .real nazis utilized gun control to enslave & murder millions of europeans (mostly jews) in ww2
    .the virulently anti-semitic “grand mufti” of jerusalem was welcomed in berlin as the ww2 guest of a real nazi named a. hitler- just like your dhimmi-rat “party” welcomed jew-haters grobama, omar, tlaib, & others
    .keep sucking blm/chicom/climate/crt/grobiden/gun control/illegal alien/lgbtq+/muslim vaxx dick & swallowing

  13. Just ask MGT, her sixth grade education says they’re all Gazpacho Police, Soup Nazis from Seinfeld. Gestapo Police is the correct term, boy she of all people should know this.

  14. Everything, but everything she says about the so-called “far-right” can be directly attributable to her beloved Antifa. She is so far down the rabbit hole even Alice shakes her head.

  15. Hitler was a socialist.
    ANTIFA was one of Stalin’s organization.
    Stalin was another socialist.
    WWII was an internecine socialist brew-up.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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