Cook County prosecutor Kim Foxx has an insane take on Jussie Smollett’s case – IOTW Report

Cook County prosecutor Kim Foxx has an insane take on Jussie Smollett’s case

I call her BooBerry, but whatevs.

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Kim Foxx, who achieved her position as Cook County state’s attorney (i.e., the Chicago D.A.), has written an opinion piece that’s ostensibly about Jussie Smollett’s case but that actually lets us look into the bizarre and backward world of leftist “justice,” bought and paid for with George Soros money.  

The Jussie Smollett saga began in the deep winter in Chicago in 2019.  Smollett, the gay star of a show called Empire that was targeted to Black audiences, claimed he’d ventured out in the cold at 3 A.M. to get himself a Subway sandwich.  He said that two White men in MAGA hats insulted and assaulted him, hanging a noose around his neck and dousing him with bleach.  As Dave Chappelle memorably pointed out, no one with any sense would have believed the story.

However, because Smollett was connected to famous Black activists, had television fame, and had alleged an anti-Black hate crime, the Chicago police felt compelled to take the case seriously.  Their investigation soon revealed that Smollett, fearing that his Empire contract might not be renewed, had hired two Nigerian brothers (one of whom was a sometime lover) to participate in a hoax.  When the truth came out through a special prosecutor’s efforts, and despite a grand jury indictment, Foxx refused to prosecute Smollett. more here

6 Comments on Cook County prosecutor Kim Foxx has an insane take on Jussie Smollett’s case

  1. This is the result of voters allowing political hacks and nominally educated people into positions of authority. It is also a reflection of the level of amorality that our Law Schools produce (which isn’t really a surprise) and it is also a reflection of how outside money has corrupted the electoral process.

    To state that the citizens of Chicago, St. Louis, Boston, NYC, &c. were apathetic or amoral, themselves, would be an understatement.
    Apparently, they (the citizens) enjoy living in Hell.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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