Cookie Monster Gripes About “Shrinkflation” and Biden Adds His Two Cents – IOTW Report

Cookie Monster Gripes About “Shrinkflation” and Biden Adds His Two Cents


“Me hate shrinkflation!,” the “Sesame Street” character wrote to his 626,000 followers on X. “Me cookies are getting smaller.” More


Even “Sesame Street” is trying to throw the White House a bone. The official White House feed replied, and later in the day, Biden told the press that even Cookie Monster had noticed shrinkflation. More

3 Comments on Cookie Monster Gripes About “Shrinkflation” and Biden Adds His Two Cents

  1. That picture on the header is interesting. Check those pupils out. A popular theme on Instagram is how huge Captain Brain Dead’s pupils have become. They have pictures where you can’t even see what color his eyes are. They look like shark eyes. Solid black. What ever drugs they’re giving this clown, they are powerful. He may be dead already. He’s just not done walking around.


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