Cool Art Site – IOTW Report

Cool Art Site

It allows you to make these Kaleidoscope/etch-a-sketch type drawings.

Somebody might like it.

Here’s one I banged out – It was my first try, don’t judge me.

HT/ catScreen Shot 2015-07-14 at 9.25.36 PM

13 Comments on Cool Art Site

  1. I always liked playing with stuff like that . . . on the few occasions they lowered my meds and let me out of the “special” room and let me play in the common room without restraints or a straightjacket hampering my creative juices.

  2. Low grade tab right now, I’ll look on the low level confuser later, it’s like 68 and no bugs outside right now. In freaking mid July! Go scientists, go globull warming!

  3. Oh man this little tyke is way faster than me. My son happened to be right by the computer when I came to this page and he said this was a mandala and when I clicked–sure enough. They are (he also said) symmetrical in every way.

    In my teaching math class we learned a lot of awesome stuff (even though I’m more a language arts type), including about fractals. Now that is some cool stuff to make also. I know so little about this sort of stuff they may be the same, or related or whatever, but way awesome thread!

    LOL I sound like a 6th grader 😛

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