Cooper- “If He [Trump] Took a Dump On His Desk You’d Defend It” – IOTW Report

Cooper- “If He [Trump] Took a Dump On His Desk You’d Defend It”

Anderson Cooper, the CNN host, is becoming one of the most overreaching, out-of-control hosts on the air – wishin’ and hopin’ and thinkin’ and prayin’, plannin’ and dreamin’ each night of his charms- that Trump will be impeached.

He eye rolls, mugs, fidgets and has little patience for anyone that doesn’t believe Trump colluded with the Russians and has committed high crimes and misdemeanors.

This time he snapped at Jeffrey Lord in a manner unbecoming of any anchor outside of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and whatever pirate station from that basement Keith Olbermann broadcasts from.

ht/ nm

34 Comments on Cooper- “If He [Trump] Took a Dump On His Desk You’d Defend It”

  1. CNN is just a carnival now and Cooper is one of it’s sideshow barkers. Hell, he ought to be wearing a pork-pie hat and carrying a wicker can as he calls to the people to “Step right in Ladies and Gents, step right in. See the station that used to be about news, see how it’s changed from a pioneer to an assassin of character”. Really, you have to wonder what Ted Turner thinks of the CNN he created with men such as Bernard Shaw at anchor to what it’s become today.

  2. Cooper thinking of Trump’s pooper! Not surprised.


    Anderson looks like he’s aged dramatically since Trump became PRESIDENT. We know Jake Tapper has. I think a side by side comparison is in order! I’m gonna go research…

  3. A trust fund turd burglar would think of that, especially one with daddy issues.

    Disorded mind, distorted reality. He should e working a perfume counter, not anchoring a global news network.

  4. Where’d they find him, anyway?
    Creeping out from under the dumpster?

    No redeeming features I can ascertain, at all!
    Must be some attraction that’s not readily apparent … maybe he weeps like a little girl when Soros porks him … I don’t know …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Cooper rhymes with pooper and if obamer crapped in his mouth he’d continue to chew and swallow. In fact they already have.

    Poop is already a sex-aide since he’s a gay.

  6. Hell, O’Baja thought nothing of propping his shod hooves up on the historical Resolute desk.
    Cooper the Pooper-scooper thought nothing of it, now you want to get nasty with a sitting president?
    Go sell your coprophilia fantasies someplace else, faggot.

  7. Cooper’s mommy is Gloria Vanderbilt. He’s probably richer than Ted Turner at his peak.

    That’s the only reason Cooper’s not behind that perfume counter.
    Where he belongs.

  8. This is totally Off-Topic, but President Trump, Melania, Rex Tillerson are now in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis (and their King) have pulled out all the stops in giving them a royal welcome and high honors to this state visit.

    What is CNN and MSNBC’s reaction — completely ignoring the visit and yapping about Comey and the Russians. I truly believe that the MSM wants to destroy this nation. Talk about projection – What did Obama do to the Resolute desk — took a figurative dump on it by putting his dirty shoes on it !

  9. Cooper doesn’t even take the time to familiarize himself with his guests. Jeffrey Lord is a staunch conservative and calls balls and strikes as he sees them. He doesn’t worship Trump.

  10. Pooper is a homo and does every deviant thing he makes jokes about republicans doing. Tea bagger and all the rest.

    He’d probably like to get a pearl necklace from obama.

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