Cop is Calm As He Probably Wants to Throat Punch This Drunken Killer – IOTW Report

Cop is Calm As He Probably Wants to Throat Punch This Drunken Killer

Legend has it she is still asking when she can go to school.

33 Comments on Cop is Calm As He Probably Wants to Throat Punch This Drunken Killer

  1. This happened about 8 miles from where I live.
    It’s a prime example of how the Peoria and East Peoria area has degraded itself into a demoncrat controlled abyss. Way too much fluoride in the water and way too much racial equity in the schools

  2. It’s not surprising that she has no feelings or guilt. When women wear shirts that proudly state they had an abortion then that lady is just another example of how society is dying bit by bit.

  3. ^^^^^ they won’t have to wait that long, she won’t even serve half that sentence.

    There is a lot of empty land out there, one shovel (OK, two, she is a fat ass after all) will provide the justice that our own justice system did not. No one will miss her and society will be better off.

  4. Garland’s been making passes at me, making me nervous. I tolerate it with Wray, he lets me carry a shiny new FBI badge but Garland is a bitter old fool, probably make me pay for my own drinks.

  5. OT

    It sounds like Kevin Costner’s wife is still pissed off about that “I support Liz” shirt Kevin was wearing and is divorcing him.

    Still don’t know what’s going on with Yellowstone, or whether he is coming back. At first, I was ticked but now I’m OK with it. Everyone is replaceable.

  6. I’m confused. I thought this post was about a stupid, stupid bitch that killed two people in a car crash. Rich and Loco start talking about which flavor of Dippity Do they use in their hair….Why don’t you guys just excange phone numbers and addresses?….

  7. Actors’ who thought they were irreplaceable;

    David Caruso-NYPD Blue
    Shelly Long-Cheers
    Farah Fawcett-Charlie’s Angels
    Suzzane Somers-Three’s Company

    I am jazzed about the return of Justified although I must temper my expectations. I was a big Dexter fan and him coming back 7 years later to make up for that god-awful finale, well, it was unsatisfying.

  8. This story is SO last week, … err last month, … err last year: ht_ps://

  9. This was a big story in NE Ohio because the couple was from Lorain County.
    This crunt has no intrinsic value and is lower than rat vomit.
    She should have gotten the maximum sentence. I believe in Illinois you are required to serve 80 or 85% of the sentence so getting out in 2 years for this scum.


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