Cop Lets Drivers Go Unticketed If They Contribute To Fundraiser – IOTW Report

Cop Lets Drivers Go Unticketed If They Contribute To Fundraiser

Seems legit.

(I like how everyone is focusing on the shakedown by the cop and not saying a word about him calling the pink windshield wiper blades, which are to support a cancer cure, fruity. I thought in this particular climate that that would be the bigger outrage.)
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11 Comments on Cop Lets Drivers Go Unticketed If They Contribute To Fundraiser

  1. This reminds me of the old joke where the young woman gets pulled over by the state trooper. In an attempt to get out of trouble she asks if he is selling tickets to the policemen’s ball. He quickly corrects her by saying he is a state trooper, and troopers don’t have balls. After realizing what he just said he tells her to drive safely and he sulks back to his cruiser.

  2. I’m an American living in Canada, and our local police department up here has something called “Youth in Policing” every summer. The kids are paid $11.00 an hour to hold fund raisers, learn how to work with K9s, ride along with officers, etc. Hundreds of high school aged kids who are interested in a career in law enforcement apply every year, but only 50 are selected. My daughter was one of those lucky enough to be selected. One of their tasks was to write an essay on why speeding is bad/dangerous, and then they each went out with different police officers to speed traps. When somebody was pulled over, they had the choice of taking the ticket, or listening to the student read their essay on the perils of speeding. When my daughter was telling me about it later that night, I asked her “So how many times did you read that essay?” She replied “So many times that I know it by heart now.” I asked “Did you give out any tickets?” To which she replied “I did have to write up one ticket because that guy was just way too mouthy” and then went on to tell me how belligerent the man was. It’s not quite the same as what the cop in your story did, but it’s definitely similar.

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