Cop Loses His Job Over THIS??? – IOTW Report

Cop Loses His Job Over THIS???

20 Comments on Cop Loses His Job Over THIS???

  1. When I read the title I was thinking hitting a handcuffed woman is kinda chicken shit. Watching the video, it was a spontaneous reaction. Justifiably I might ad. There was a time that if you spat in someones face it was considered attempted murder. Agreed, move to a conservative strong hold. My NorCal county would probably hire the guy immediately.

  2. Striking a handcuffed prisoner is generally a no-no under most circumstances. He may have a very difficult time getting another police job anywhere. Not just for liability reasons, but any agency that hires him will likely be hounded by the media.

  3. I don’t give the first damn who you are or whether or not you are defenseless, spit in my face and I promise you I will one shot your ass out colder than a wedge

  4. That’s not a PD, that’s an ER bay. My guess is that she had some issues getting arrested and was offered jail or hospital, and believe me that I’ve had lots of folks given that oprtion practically beat me to the ambulance. The cop wouldn’t be there with her unless she had already given a ton of shit to the doctors/nurses/what have you. He was probably there to make sure she didn’t escape and the doc needed the cuffs off, but she wasn’t cooperating at all, so he had to step in and take her shit once more so they didn’t have to.

    Docs won’t take shit anyway, but good luck finding one in a modern ER. You’ll get a PA, NP, or one of 47 levels of nurse, but most times no doc. This was probably a decision point where it became clear from her behavior she didn’t need care and was just stalling, and he was probably inviting her back to the police vehicle to resume her original journey when she went off.

    My .02.

  5. Blood draw for DUI.

    Security might have deferred to the cops as she was obviously not being cooperative. Looking outside the bay I believe I saw some security without all the extra gear.

    Yes hospital ER bay, but believe it was a cop as I’ve not seen security wearing the bullet proof vest and that much gear. Maybe things have gotten bad enough in the inner cities that they’re wearing all that crap now, don’t know.

    Apparently she had agreed and then changed her mind. So take her back to the lockup. You can hear one of the other cops telling him to “back off” and putting her back in the chair. Depending on the jurisdiction I don’t believe they can force the draw. Again, depending on what took place before this with possible injuries or death it might be a different ballgame. Maybe it could then be forced.

    SNS has obviously more experience (been there – done that). Still on the rare occasion when I’ve called upon to be the possible muscle I happily deferred to the cops when they arrived to escort someone off the property. Sometimes doesn’t go well when your primary option has to do with saying, “Stop, or I’ll say Stop again.” Rent-a-cops don’t have police powers…

    He reacted and believe he was actually going to put her on the floor before he realized what he was doing. Caught himself and stopped before he did any further damage to his career and then the other cop put her back in the chair.

    Again, without any injuries/death leading to the arrest she got a free pass for the cost of nothing more than what amounted to a slap. Probably a payday on top of the charges being dropped.

    Shame that he lost it cause if he hadn’t they could have put the spit mask on her and added “Assaulting an Officer to the charges.

  6. He lacks self control. THAT is his problem. There is quite simply NO EXCUSE for a cop to physically assault a subject already in handcuffs. PERIOD! If he will do this you can bet he will commit all manner of other atrocities…often to totally innocent people. And do it when there is no camera around to record his criminality. Sorry…the female is a waste of skin but the cop is even worse. He’s a badge heavy bully.

  7. Why didn’t she have a bag over her head. A bag over her head made from the material that women use in the washer for some of their unmentionables would convert her spit into drool.

  8. From my days working in a E.R. we would use pantie hose over a spitters head, tie the legs under the chin if need be. Big time spitters would soon have all that gunk all over there face and yet they would continue to spit. I would say she committed an assault on the officer despite being handcuffed. What if she had Aids or Covid. Didn’t they arrest people for that during the plandemic?

  9. @ dan AT 11:44 PM

    I 100% agree. That lady is a piece of trash and should be punished for spitting on the officer, but there is absolutely no reason for him to punch her while she is restrained. He doesn’t belong in any position of power.


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