Cops Seek DNA From – IOTW Report

Cops Seek DNA From

Both and 23andMe are putting provisions in place to remove DNA samples by request from customers. This new option is in response to law enforcement coming to these genetic tracing firms looking DNA collected by the companies to aid their investigations.

Swab Team

Just wait till you have to give a DNA swab in order to get or renew your driver’s license.


9 Comments on Cops Seek DNA From

  1. It’s been thought for a long time that the spy agencies are using Facebook and Twitter to spy on people, so why would Ancestry thought of any differently?

    ….and YES, we ALL have something to hide.

    Wake up and smell the gulag.

  2. Don’t believe that many criminal suspects are registered with and have paid the $250 or whatever for their DNA test.

    I would wholeheartedly endorse mandatory DNA testing on anyone who’s convicted of any infraction greater that a traffic violation. It’s as legitimate as fingerprints.

    I am already in the Family Tree DNA log:

  3. Brace yourself.

    Federal and state governments have been collecting and filing DNA on new born babies for YEARS. Uncle Sam claims it’s in the baby’s interest for the government to know which genetic diseases the baby might have.

    Aw heck! If you join the armed forces Uncle Sam has your DNA as a condition of joining.

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