Cops Shoot Hammer Wielding Guy – IOTW Report

Cops Shoot Hammer Wielding Guy

He says he was in his own home doing nothing wrong.

He was actually in his ex-wife’s house and she called the cops to get him out of there because he was drunk.

Graphic video:

25 Comments on Cops Shoot Hammer Wielding Guy

  1. I would suspect that those bullet holes with no blood coming out would be a pretty good indicator that the guys heart was no longer pumping any blood even though the cop claimed he was breathing.

    I’m with you on the taser Diogenes. The article said that one cop fired his taser WHILE the other ones were shooting real lead projectiles at him. You would think they would have waited a couple of seconds at least to see if the taser worked before killing him. The guy was definitely stupid, but I would think non-lethal means could be tried BEFORE shooting to kill in that situation.

  2. The guy might have been a dangerous threat, but those cops could have backed away a bit and used tasers, pepper spray, or bean bags if they weren’t so fucking inpatient about getting the guy cuffed.
    And six shots fired but only two hit the suspect, at that distance? These guys suck.

    It did look like the guy still had some fight left in him right after he was shot. But back the fuck off and use non-lethal when you have the bastard trapped in a garage with no other exit available. You don’t have to kill all of them. If the guy were a child molester, go ahead and do whatever you want. It sounds like this guy was just a drunk trespasser.

  3. I’ve seen videos of gun fight inside a building before. Something they all have in common is the concusion from the muzzle blast causes all kinds of dust to fly. Not saying this isn’t real but lots of strange shiiaat.

  4. @Bill – I’ve been hit in the head with a hammer that was knocked of the roof of a one story building so I am personally aware of what a hammer can do, even at low velocity. It just seems to me that in this case, the cops could have done a better job at trying to talk the guy into dropping the hammer than just barking out orders at him for a few seconds and then opening fire when he didn’t follow their orders immediately. I watched the video again and they “negotiated” with him less than 30 seconds, and he was in no better “offensive” position to actually attack them than he had been a couple of times already within that time period (he wasn’t actively advancing toward them when they shot him).

    I thought (based on what I’ve read) that police training included teaching skills like “negotiation” and deescalation. Even though the guy was drunk and might not have listened, from a standpoint of being a flawed human being as well, I think I would have tried saying something along the lines of “look – you know that hammer is no match for the guns we have. We really don’t want to kill you, but if you won’t drop that hammer you won’t leave us any other choice. Think about your family. You won’t be doing them any good if we have to kill you right here. Now drop the hammer and none of us will have to die tonight”

    Maybe if they gave the guy a few seconds to really think about what he was doing, he would have dropped the hammer and given himself up. To me, the only thing the cops would have lost by trying that would have been a few seconds of time and it might have prevented them having to kill the guy.

    They could still always kill him if he really tried to attack them with the hammer from several feet away (even throwing it). I realize that in some instances cops have to make a split second decision to shoot or not – this situation just doesn’t seem to require that urgent, split second decision to shoot or not shoot in order to protect their own life based on the video.

  5. I’m all for complying with orders from the police, but they had no good reason to kill that guy.

    Three guys in bullet proof vests with guns and tazers against one little drunk with a freaking hammer. That was ridiculous.

    Thank God the guy wasn’t black. Can you imagine that shitstorm.

  6. When a decision is made to shoot, always at least two rounds central body mass.
    The threat did not appear imminent due to proximity and the demeanor of the perpetrator. He was non-compliant to the orders of dropping the hammer.
    From what I see the victim, although the hammer was raised, he was not moving forward in an aggressive manner.
    The level of force the officer determines to use must be reasonable and based on the officer’s perception of the threat/risk and the necessity to act.
    The decision to use lethal force appears to be questionable however, I have no idea what the officers perception of the event. Instincts, training, expertise and experience play a major role.
    One point to realize, the perpetrator was the primary moving factor for the entire engagement.

  7. Looks to me like when the tazer was fired the others started firing reflexively.
    They train to use the firing squad method, so the training kicked in automatically.
    I believe that kind of training is dangerous, training everyone to start shooting the moment one of them pulls the trigger can change an injury caused by a judgment error to become a death.
    As appears to have happened here.

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