Just for fun I checked Drudge headlines. They are saying Joe is on his way to 80 million votes.
Why not 300 million while they’re printing them?
Steve Pieczenik was on Alex Jones show saying Trump and friends had prepared traceable ballets made to trace the election fraud and a national sting operation is under way.
Send SMoD to Hollywood,
where whores make movies that are good;
where fetal scrapinz and starlette rapinz
turn flaccid meat to wood.
It’s NOT as if Trump is the greatest president.
LOL WTF? ^^^
Military votes arrive in GA on Friday.
Just for fun I checked Drudge headlines. They are saying Joe is on his way to 80 million votes.
Why not 300 million while they’re printing them?
Steve Pieczenik was on Alex Jones show saying Trump and friends had prepared traceable ballets made to trace the election fraud and a national sting operation is under way.
Send SMoD to Hollywood,
where whores make movies that are good;
where fetal scrapinz and starlette rapinz
turn flaccid meat to wood.