Red State-
We haven’t heard a whole lot from former Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO) since she left office at the end of the 118th Congress (having been defeated in the Democratic primary last August by former St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell). But that doesn’t mean all’s been quiet in her world.
In fact, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Thursday that her husband, Cortney Merritts, has been indicted for allegedly committing COVID fraud. more
Sometimes (not enough for my liking) life gives us these little snippets of justice, karma, divine retribution, whatever you want to call it, that rebalances the cosmic duality of the ying and yang, and in the process invokes a reflexive fist pump.
If he did this, you know damn well she not only facilitated the crime but was probably the instigator. Both should swing.
C’mon comeuppance! Cori and hubby are already in some potentially hot water because she paid him with campaign funds something like $60,000 for “security services” and he doesn’t seem to have the necessary MO license for that. Oopsie!
There’s accusations flying around that she married her father to qualify for a mortgage loan. What did she charge Trump with again? These assholes have no shame and the rest of us shouldn’t need to put up with their dumb ass bull shit. Fuck her.
@Brad — Some days they all look alike to me, too, but I believe you’re thinking of that nasty NY DA Letitia James.
the Department of Jokers has bowed up once again.
Uncle Al
Oops, Got nothing to do with skin color. I just can’t keep track anymore. I stand corrected. Thank you. However they do look fairly similar. Self serving and stupid.
I’ll celebrate when I hear the jail cell door clang shut.
Oh, look … Pigs are flying
A black politician (or spouse of one) indicted for fraud?? Color me shocked!
dindus gotta dindu, it’s tnb
tnb causes typical negro fatigue
Those are the kindest words I could offer her!