corona vax vid – IOTW Report

corona vax vid

Watch and decide for yourself if you’re going to get the vaccine.

ht/ WF

26 Comments on corona vax vid

  1. …I need no video.

    I do not get treatments for diseases I do not have that are not dangerous even if I DO get it, regardless of how much politicians try to scare me into it.

    And I CERTAINLY won’t be the guinea pig for experimental treatments for non-problems that aren’t even named correctly (m-RNA is NOT a “vaccine”).

    And I trust the Lord that made my immune system.

    …I grew up washing dishes by hand, ungloved, in a busy Chinese restaurant. I spent part of my youth passed out in my own vomit on various barroom floors and bathrooms. I drove cars into autoshops for decades that had been sat in just before I did by incontinent people who had just sneezed on the steering wheels, and sometimes lived in them. I spent a decade on an ambulance and in hospitals being exposed to ACTUAL communicable diseases and being hit with every imaginable body fluid by people I KNEW were sick. I work today in a polynationally staffed food plant, breathing the same air and using the same bathroom as everyone with all the world’s hygiene and lack thereof, and still treat such wounds as come up on a first responder basis. I’ve raised a child that required me to spend MORE time in hospitals than I like to think about to deal with his (to me, minor) physical birth defect issues. In my spare time I raise chickens and the wife’s pet menagerie.

    All of this and more has trained my immune system to the point where it gets bored just killing MY diseases, so it goes out while I’m sleeping and kills the NEIGHBORS diseases as well.

    No, I’m not immortal, but I don’t get sick very often either. Because you can’t have a functional immune system unless it gets EXPOSED to diseases occasionally. Hiding in your basement because the Democrats want to steal elections is not only useless, but weakens your immune system to ANY disease.

    And they are probably COUNTING on that.

    So when they DO let folks out, they’ll get sick, from a whole HOST of things they detuned their immune system from being able to deal with.

    …and Democrats will gleefully say, “SEE? COVID!” and use it to make us cower in fear every OTHER time it serves their purpose.

    …so no, I won’t get shots for even the REGULAR flu, so I’m not going to get test therapies for a seasonal flu blown up to monster movie size for political reasons by a lying press.

    And I CERTAINLY won’t get a mystery shot from a government that’s on record as considering me an irredeemably deplorable White Supremacists terrorist, simply because apart from everything else, that ALONE gives me reason to question their motives.

    I can tell them where they can stick that needle.

    But it’s not going to be stuck in ME…

  2. Relatively small target population, high survival rate, inflated infection and death-rate stats, experimental gene therapy, manufacturer immunity from liability, continual alarming reports of serious and almost immediate adverse side effects, plus this all fits in so nicely with leftist power fantasies. Answer: no fucking way.

  3. Great video. I became highly suspect after coming down off the initial fear in 4/2020 when seeing our govt crap on HCL then later on Ivermectin. SO they are willing to deny their citizens simple inexpensive treatments that have been highly effecitve around the world, but yet push us to take a vaccine that is highly experimental by filling us with mRNA, which has never been before in humans.

    Thanks for the video…great job.

  4. It’s an act of self harm to allow yourself to be injected with a highly questionable product being pushed by a deceitful and out of control government.

  5. I skipped through and only watched a few minutes, so what I saw is limited. Main takeaway:
    For diseases like polio and smallpox we don’t really have a treatment, so a vaccine makes sense. For covid – and I would add flu – there is a small risk of death, we have treatments available, so vaccination has little purpose.
    In reality, if a rogue country were to try to take over the world with a virus that only kills the old and infirm and a tiny fraction of the young (likely with susceptibilities), that shouldn’t really work, right??? Unless of course the other governments take the opportunity to increase their control of the population.

  6. It’s deeply concerning to see that so many are seeking out this so-called vaccine. Sharing online where and when to get an appointment, bellyaching about the distance they have to travel, the hoops they have to jump through to get an appointment, etc.

    When I run into people I know casually, typically the first thing out of their mouths is asking if I’ve gotten the vaccine yet. When I say that I haven’t and don’t intend to, I usually get a look that borders on distrust. We’re already hearing rumblings of sanctions towards the unvaccinated. Employment and travel are what I’ve read to date. I was concerned about government forcing us to be vaccinated but now realize that it won’t be played like that. There will be no mandate, we’ll simply be cut off from what we need for survival unless we conform.

    We’re dealing with a degree of evil that surfaces about once every hundred years. The weapons today are much more lethal. Watch the video for a better understanding of that.

  7. Aside from all the dangerous things that can happen with vaccines, no matter how much science experts put out there on the horrible things that could happen down the road with these vaccines, people are so willing to get it because IT’S FREE! What does the government have to lose? You can’t sue them if you die, mangled, or unable to function in life. If you get jabbed and are left a vegetable, I don’t want to hear any complaining.

  8. The true tragedy will show up 20 years from now when the youth starts trying to have children and they find that they’ve been sterilized without their consent.

  9. If she is correct about Antibody Induced Enhancement, It looks like people who get the vaccine are setting themselves for the death punch at a later date. LCD, and anybody else who skimmed, I suggest y’all go to about the 20.00 mark and listen to her talk about Antibody Induced Enhancement.

    BTW, I just read yesterday that our military is mandating the vaccine for all service members.

  10. Mystaclean
    MARCH 19, 2021 AT 9:20 AM
    “I was concerned about government forcing us to be vaccinated but now realize that it won’t be played like that. There will be no mandate, we’ll simply be cut off from what we need for survival unless we conform.”

    …yep, right out of The Book.

    WHAT Book?

    THIS one…

    “16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six”
    Revelation 3:16-18

    …funny how the government always seems to be described in the Bible, and as being on the wrong side too, imagine that…

  11. Counterfeit Vax cards anyone?
    It’s not like cheating the election or lying about “No new taxes” or ” if you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr.” or anything like that

  12. I did not know that *two* HCQ precursor factories had burned down.

    As the saying goes, “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”

    I’m willing to bet that a third HCQ factory has gone up in smoke or will soon. Assuming that a third factory existed in the first place.

  13. Anyone having problems watching the video should use a different search engine or a different browser.
    Because if you are getting blocked from watching this video, imagine what else you’re not seeing.

  14. Whitey white white cracker ass –

    Yeah, I’m a fan but I don’t care what he says on this particular issue, because I’m not getting the shot. I realize the media is clipping and adjusting Trump’s words, but it doesn’t matter. Not taking the shot.
    Also, he should really pipe down about the vaccines, unless he’s going to pound the fact that it should be a choice and not a mandate.

    Truth be told, while I do support only a handful of politicians
    it’s only 80% support from me. They have to earn the last 20% over their terms. lol.

  15. My last (in person) visit with my V.A. doctor I asked him if HE would take the vaccine when available…his reply was “HELL NO!” He did recommend a seasonal flu shot, shingles shot, and pneumonia shot…and a little Irish Whiskey wouldn’t hurt either.

  16. Sad to say Trump really screwed up with the China flu, he let them play him and he fell right into their hands. You have to either believe that or believe he’s a part of the entire scheme, there is no middle ground.
    He never had to start any warp speed vaccine and get it released without it being tested like any other vaccine or medication. He never had to keep Fauci or Birx, so I didn’t listen to him about masks and I won’t listen to him about vaccines.
    That is the biggest thing the left and the establishment don’t get, most of us don’t worship Trump, we supported him because he was our weapon against them, we continued supporting him even though we knew he made a lot mistakes because we had hope he learned from those mistakes.
    It honestly makes me laugh when I hear them say he needs to tell us to get vaccinated, we aren’t the sheep.


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