Coronavirus-infected protester gave out food at Portland Antifa popsicle party – IOTW Report

Coronavirus-infected protester gave out food at Portland Antifa popsicle party


Militant Antifa activists in Portland are expressing concern after the partner of one of their comrades who attended Antifa protests and social events this week tested positive for COVID-19.

On Saturday, members of the “PDX Uprising” Telegram chat room warned each other following the revelation that the partner of someone who was giving out food at an Antifa dance and popsicle party the night prior was confirmed to have the coronavirus.

“Anyone who was at the Resistdance [sic] at the Red House last night — someone who was there just got a positive Covid test,” wrote a member in the chatroom. The chatroom has over 2,200 members and is used to announce and plan protests and riots in Portland. more

13 Comments on Coronavirus-infected protester gave out food at Portland Antifa popsicle party

  1. “The chatroom has over 2,200 members and is used to announce and plan protests and riots in Portland.”

    …and ever though everyone knows this, Barr does NOTHING with this information, like arresting whoever’s hosting it and bringing RICO charges, or using this information to arrange to greet them, or plant some infiltrators like they did with another Democrat organization, the KKK.


    …before Gettysburg, Meade got intel from,improbably, a set of Lee’s orders that were used to wrap some cigars by a Southern officer, then dropped where Northern troops found them. It said where each part of Lee’s then-invading army was going and when they planned to get there. Meade moved towards them, forcing Lee to coalesce his army at Gettysburg, and the rest is history.

    What if Meade had simply crumbled them up and thrown them away?

    We might well be two nations, or more, today.

    …that’s what’s happening NOW. Barr is simply wadding up this intel and going on goose chases after Russian White Supremacists instead, as the FBI details legions to investigate garage door pulls.

    …had Meade acted the same way, I suspect there would be whole lot MORE “Confederate” monuments in this world, and a whole lot LESS Northern Liberals to try to pull them down…

  2. I’m guessing a popsicle party is where they pass around the latest diseases anyways.
    And talk about killing the police, orange man bad.
    Let the screaming start. Hope they eat themselves.

  3. Portland is becoming Chicago. It’s been too long and too far gone to fix it with just votes. I know people there complain about antifa and blm when they’re ‘behaving badly’, but they refuse to link the behavior to the organizations. I’ve already seen too many interviews of people pissed off at the fires and the assaults and then in the same breath they will tell the reporter that they’re pointing out issues in the community and that’s good. LOLOL.
    Portland, if you truly believe that, quit complaining and just burn yourself out with it.


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