Coronavirus spikes in regions with strict lockdowns – IOTW Report

Coronavirus spikes in regions with strict lockdowns

Just the News: Coronavirus infection rates are spiking in countries and some U.S. communities that imposed strict pandemic mitigation policies, including lengthy lockdowns and stay-at-home orders. The dynamic is raising fresh questions about how effective those measures ultimately are at halting the spread of the virus.  more

18 Comments on Coronavirus spikes in regions with strict lockdowns

  1. The virus can’t be stopped and governments and companies are out of their minds to think they can. Slowing it down is not a good idea either. What IS a good idea is protecting yourself if you’re health-compromised or older. Everyone else needs to go on about their lives.

  2. And of course in our locked down areas even when the spike goes down we still can’t let up our vigilant mask wearing, social distancing, and stay at home orders because it might come back. Circular nightmare.

  3. @Anonymous August 21, 2020 at 5:55 pm – “…Mayor Cooper in Nashville; you listening?…”

    Anonymous, whoever you are, we share a similar Mayor. With his arbitrary restrictions on downtown Nashville bars he is killing the golden goose.

  4. Living in Commiefornia. My liberal neighbor thinks the way to stop the spike is to clamp down with even more restrictions (how would that be possible?) and that the reason why we haven’t eradicated the Kung Flu is because people haven’t taken the quarantine seriously enough.

  5. Raising fresh questions? My ass. The questions are the same. They haven’t been answered yet by our “betters”. Looks like the so called “fresh questions” are answering themselves.


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