Correctly Identifying People As Mentally Ill Is Now BIGOTRY!!! – IOTW Report

Correctly Identifying People As Mentally Ill Is Now BIGOTRY!!!

A professor testifies in front of a loon California congressTHING that transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a physical disorder, and the THING flips out and points at the professor and starts shouting that she’s a bigot.

This is what the left does when it has no debate options left, they desperately seek to shout down opposition by trying to shame the person who is on the correct side of the argument.

HT/ American Thinker and Jerry Manderin

23 Comments on Correctly Identifying People As Mentally Ill Is Now BIGOTRY!!!

  1. The really sick fact about this video is that this lumpish ogre was actually voted into Congress. An evil twisted turd of a human being who should be horse whipped out of this country. Speaking of gender is this beast male or female or neither?

  2. Well gosh Zoe, why shouldn´t a 15 year old who identifies as a 21 year old be allowed to drink alcohol, or why shouldn´t 40 year old who identifies as a 70 year old be able to receive Social Security benefits and Senior Citizen discounts?
    Don´t put this on the kids you disingenuous old Troll! This is all about the ploy to Distract, Divide and Destroy America by Communists like you who would use children in the most shameful manner possible to achieve an end to your nefarious goals! We used to be Society that cared more about the safety of women and children than the feelings of a bunch of grown men who want to wear skirts, tights & wigs and lurk in the Ladies room! Only a short year ago a guy would be arrested for following a young girl ino the ladies room. Today, thanks to shitbags with the mental agility of small plant stand like yourself, we can now actually be arrested for attempting to stop these perverts!!
    Go sell Crazy somewhere else. We´re full up here you certifiably brain-addled, nasty old bitch!

  3. Do you think I’m a Russian princess?
    I have no idea.

    The gentle lady from California just debunked her own position. She should have, by golly, said If you think you’re a Russian princess, then you are a Russian princess. Fool.

  4. In America, we now live in a kakistocracy. That means we’re governed by the worst and most disagreeable elements of society. The root of the word is the Greek word for ‘feces’.

    Appropriate, huh?

  5. Typical Liberal, she thinks that an opinion, none the less a professional opinion, that opposes hers should not be entered into the record. And when confronted she immediately goes shrill and starts name calling. Gotta love it when the bee hive is poked with the truth stick. It immediately exposes just how much these liberal beasts operate on feelings instead of facts. And also makes for good entertainment.

  6. 7+ years of Obama and you don’t know which bathroom to use. Progress!

    All you have to do now is carry a gun into the bathroom and mouth off without conveying trigger warnings. You can exercise 3 basic human rights and break laws in one motion.

  7. So the tranny kids are getting picked on. Boo freaking hoo.

    I was tormented relentlessly by my classmates from elementary school into junior high school. I was the tallest, smartest student in the class, and I wasn’t Jewish.

    I didn’t run to my guidance counselor. I focused on the long term, knowing that I would graduate from high school when I was 18 and I could get away from these snotrags. When I finished college and was supporting myself, I knew I could move to another community where I would be able to meet better people.

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